Monday 25 November 2013

Module 4_Assignment 2_ Reflection on Assessment Tool

Assignment 2 challenged my competency and my ability to perform at a high standard. In the assignment results, I fell short of the standard I set for myself and because of this I had to reflect on where I went wrong. Through reflection  and feedback given from the assessor, I was able to see what I did not do to achieve the high grade I wanted for myself.
The saying goes, 'When something pose a challenge you either give it up or practice until you become perfect', I, for one, am going to practice more and more until I become perfect. I am learning so much from this module on assessment and I know it will benefit me greatly in my teaching career.

Module 4_ Activity 7_ Reflection on Giving Feedback

In activity seven we were asked to look at each group member’s work and give feedback on it. I had to be both subjective and objective in my comment. I tried to look at each member’s work and critique it the best way I can using certain assessment criteria. I also got feedback on my work from my colleagues and this was where I had a better approach to see my work through someone else’s view. Through the feedback given, I was able to spot my strengths and weaknesses in relation to my activity and the assessment tool I designed. Overall, it was a learning process for me.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Module 4: Activity 6 (Assessing Information Literacy)

Activity 6 was very easy to complete and I had fun doing it. I chose 6A and use the information presented to design a class activity on Caribbean leaders where students were asked to use google search engine to help them find the answers to selected closed ended questions. In this activity students were assessed on their internet literacy skills .The checklist I designed helped to assess students’ internet research competency and provided feedback based on their performance. Overall, it was a good activity.   

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Reflection on Module 4_Activity 5

Assessment Tool

In this activity most of my colleagues and I misunderstood the activity requirement. However, we were guided as to what was expected of us and clarity of the activity was made by each member. Designing an assessment tool was not difficult to construct but the instruction given was misunderstood and cause confusion amongst many. 
This was a learning experience for me and I really enjoyed constructing my own assessment tool. In future I plan to design many more assessment tools which can help to enhance learning in the classroom and in my teaching career.