Saturday 7 December 2013

Reflection on Module 4- Assignment 3

I enjoyed working on assignment 3. After looking at the criteria standard of the unit, I used my experience and knowledge gained from all the work covered from this module to help me with my planning. What worked best for me was taking each section aside; after doing that I was able to carefully assess each criteria standard. This helped me to plan more effectively and it worked out well with time management and the standard of work I put in. Overall, I did my best on the assignment and I'm awaiting my result. 

Reflection on Module 4_Activity 8

In activity 8 there was no request to submit a file. However, we were asked to complete the reading on the activity and then use the information to complete assignment 3. The information gathered from the reading helped me to better identify the criteria standards in assignment 3 which I used to plan my unit successfully. The guiding principles reminded me that ICT correlated outcomes must always be considered in my planning, teaching and learning process. Thus, I will use these strategies to develop more unit of work to enhance the teaching/learning process.