Tuesday 22 July 2014

Module 8: Activity one (Reflection on Principles of Classroom Management)

I really enjoyed completing the activities in activity one. At first it was a learning process for me to set up my own wiki account and getting familiar with the features of it. After doing so, I did the readings on classroom management and put my interpretation of it into practice. I then used the wiki page where I edited it by inserting my own version to the discussion. This was fun for me because I saw the other comments added by the group members, where I also added more to information where it was deemed necessary .  
In another activity, I also made comments on the experiences I had with ICT integration into the teaching and learning process. It was good to share how I viewed the new experiences I have, with ICT integration, and re-encountered old experiences, both with ICT integration and without, into my teaching and learning processes. 

Friday 18 July 2014

Module 8

At the start of this module we had to introduce ourselves to the new tutor Mrs. Avery. This part of the activity was very straight-forward and simple. The introduction aspect also helped me to  know a bit about the other learners taking part in the module.