Sunday 7 December 2014

Reflection on activity 12 (Students’ support documents)

This activity was the easiest for me because of the experience gained from the other activities. Although I have learnt a lot from all of the other activities, in my opinion, assignment two helped to bring clarity. From assignment two I was able to create all the areas that were needed to complete it. I created at least three students’ support documents to go with the webquest in assignment two.  These documents helped to engage the students while in class and gave them something to work on to help them gain more knowledge.

Reflection on activity 9 (Engaging Roles- Engaged Students)

Although I had difficulty accessing the other websites from the list of sites given, I found the information on ‘Searching for China.’ very informative. After reading and analyzing the site, I stated my own conclusion that the website  introduction was a good one which described China, the people living there and issues relating to China. Looking at the task of the WebQuest, it is built on the objectives that team members had to attain to complete the set of activities set out. Although, the roles focused on diverse perspectives to the issue, they presented a larger aspect to understanding a problem.  The task allowed each member to become an expert on one of the different roles and in turn each member gained knowledge which was used to generate a full report for their team.
Collaboration was shown from team members and it helped the team to complete the set of activities carried out.

In my opinion, the activity was a good one and the author did a fantastic job at putting the information together.

Reflection on activity 8 (Creating webquests)

In activity 8, we were asked to design our own webquest and I really enjoyed working on my first webquest. During this activity I came up with an introduction, a scenario to get the students interest activated, the process which helped to guide the students of the activities in which they were to complete, the resources which provided links to get information, an assessment evaluation form and conclusion. Using all the steps mentioned above have helped me tremendously with my webquest. I have gained knowledge and understanding and can guide others in creating their own and other webquests.