Monday 30 March 2015

Reflection on assignment 2

I enjoyed working on assignment two although some aspects were a bit challenging at first. In completing my task successfully, I went about  using information gathered from some of the activities completed from the module and online researches. I then took my time and read each aspect of the assignment thoroughly to answer each part correctly. After doing so, I used excel to construct my financial plan budget for the last part of the assignment and then I zipped the assignment and my budget in a folder and sent it off to the assessor. In my opinion, I believe I have covered the assignment successfully. I have also learnt lots of valuable information from this module and because of it I am now prepare to accomplish any given task set out to me.

Reflection on activity 6 (Action Plan)

In completing this activity, I worked with the staff at the school . We looked at areas that focused on ICT integration mostly and how well it can be carried out throughout the school. Through planning, we came up with lots of useful information which is put in place. I used most of the information gathered to work on assignment 2. This has helped me to cover most parts of the assignment successfully. In conclusion, the activity has been a learning step which I enjoyed doing.

Reflection on activity 5 (ICT Policy)

Looking back at activity 5 and my accomplishment on it has taught me how important policies are in development any learning institution. In completing the activity, I focused on staff development strategies, security measures, the teaching and learning process and financial plan budget. I tried my best to make my activity as simple and straightforward as I can so that my colleagues could understand and benefit from it. Overall, I have learnt from it.

Activity 4 Reflection

Activity four comprises of a set of activities. However, I took my time and carried out the task of completing each activity to the best of my ability. In completing my task, I did lots on online researches on integrated approach, security policy, staff development strategies, planning for schools, etc. In doing so, I have gained a lot of valuable information which helped me in the final assignment. Overall, I benefited greatly from doing these activities.

Sunday 8 March 2015

Module 10: Reflection on assignment one

I thought this assignment was going to pose some challenges for me because of the fact that my dad past away around that time. However, I put away my grief and concentrated on getting the work done. In the assignment, I came up with an introductory paragraph and then went on to give my analysis of the areas chosen. When I started, the ideas just flowed smoothly and I was able to complete my assignment without difficulty.
That's because I referred back to the SWOT analysis I developed earlier in activity 3.

Module 10 Reflection on activity 3 (SWOT analysis)

In this activity Nelcia and I worked together.  We did this because we did not want to have different analysis for the same school. We looked at the four areas on the SWOT analysis and came up with the work presented in our activity. Working together on this activity was fun for both of us because we shared our ideas equally. In so doing, the work done was used in the assignment and because of this I did not have any difficulty analysing the requirements asked on the assignment. 

Module 10: Activity 2

In activity two I have completed three activities which looked at scenarios of students regarding the use of ICT, My School’s ICT Policy and sharing an online school policy. All three activities were very beneficial. From the scenarios I have learn that when using ICT tools, software and hardware one must be very careful in doing so. Knowing ICT tools and how best they work can help us to safe guard against any threat.
The activity on my school policy has helped me to look more in depth on what policy should make up of. In collaboration with the staff of the Calder Government School we aim to provide the necessary technological tools, and resources to help students develop their academic skills in and out of the classroom. Some of the aims we came up with are:

  • To provide a fashionable and cohesive technological environment, which can help sustains and strengthens the school’s ability to deliver its planned objectives, enabling collaboration, research, and efficient professional methods of teaching ICT.
  • We aim to deliver an environment which will support students, researchers and academics by providing an empowering platform and functionality for knowledge creation and exchange.”
  • To provide the technology to facilitate all modes of learning and teaching.
  • Provide a flexible, expandable and secure infrastructure and an Information Governance framework to support and sustain excellence in learning and teaching at the school, so that established requirements and individual aspirations can be met.
  • Ensure as far as possible that the school ICT infrastructure is agile and capable of change so that future requirements of the school and those of individual learners can be met with nominal impact.
  • Enable unified communication in support of learning and teaching ICT.
  • Identify and bring to the school’s attention technological innovations that could enhance the learning experience of each student.
  • Work with academic staff and students to understand learner’s needs.
  • Develop staff so that they can fulfil their duties by providing appropriate guidance, support and awareness of current and emerging ICT and information governance approaches, solutions and standards.
  • Help ensure that staff is aware of the potential opportunities for improvements that may be realized by exploiting advances in technology and information management.
  • Ensure the staff engaged by IT Services are sufficiently knowledgeable, skilled and motivated, and capable of supporting the school’s and this Strategic Plan.

 In the last activity we were asked to share an online school policy. This was fun for me because I went about researching many policies before I picked my final choice. In doing so, I compared it with the policy I develop for my school and it helped me to differentiate between the two. Overall, I learnt a lot in these activities.