Monday 27 January 2014

Module 1: Activity one (What is learning?)

In activity one we look at what is learning and, from my stand point, learning is never ending because every day we live, we learn. It may be as simple as tying one’s shoe to building on a new word. In the classroom I look at learning as the receiving of information and building of what is received to develop oneself. However, a teacher’s job goes beyond what is expected of him or her because she has to learn the information and then present it to the class and in turn help students to be creative, open-minded, critical in their thinking and motivated to go beyond what is expected of them.

During my teaching career I have learnt so much from my students and the things I have learnt have helped me to be a better teacher. I have learnt that students have diverse backgrounds and abilities and knowing what each student is like helps the teacher to relate to each child. Continuous learning takes place every day and we can never be too old to learn.

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