Monday 27 January 2014

Module 1 : Activity 3 - Social Cognitive Theory

Looking back at activity three question, 'What have your learners' reactions taught you about learning and teaching?', this question set me to reflect on the past and the present  in my teaching career. I remembered as a young teacher I too had many challenges that I was unsure about and I even became overwhelmed and discouraged at times. Today, as I looked at my teaching and learning strategies and how my learners’ reactions have helped me, I can truly confessed that I have come a long way. I have learnt that they model what I do and say and if I want a positive reinforcement I have to set the pace for them to follow.  I began by being a good listener, I listen while my student speaks and never talk out of turn. I gave my students the opportunity to be the teacher where they expressed their point of views and shared their opinions as a teacher. I continue to model good mannerism and attitude because I expect them to develop these traits.

Today, looking at my students’ reactions I can tell if my teaching strategy is working or if I need a different approach to reach them. Therefore, as a teacher I have to possess the qualities I expect my students to follow and model from. Hence, what I do and say determine the outcome of my learners.

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