Sunday 9 February 2014

Module 1: Reflection on Assignment one

I really enjoyed working on assignment one. The readings I did on the different theorists have helped me tremendously to answer each section of the assignment to the best of my ability. The last time I did any major work on the different theorists was at Teachers’ College where I was pressed with lots of work and deadlines to meet.  Reading over the work on the different theorists has helped me to have a better understanding of the different strategies they employed to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom.
                In the classroom today, we are faced with diverse learning styles among our students. These students come from different culture and different background and they challenge us in so many ways. Hence, knowing our students help us to better identify with each one. Learning the methods/approaches used by the different theorists helped me to address my students’ interests and needs because now I know what to look for.
When I now started teaching I would deal with ill- disciplined students by punishing them or sending them to the principal’s office to be dealt with, but now I realized that students can be reached easily with the right approach. While an approach will work for some, others may find it challenging, hence Piaget’s and Skinner’s theories in this assignment have worked well with the diverse learning styles of my students.
On reflection, I can truly state that this assignment has helped me to reflect on my past teaching style and the new approaches I implemented to bring about changes and successes in my teaching, learning process.

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