Saturday 15 February 2014

Reflection on Module 1: Activity 6 (Vygotsky’s Understanding of Cognitive Development)

Based on what I have read on social-cognitive learning theory, it deals with learning based on the idea that knowledge is constructed by the more capable others (individuals who are equipped with the relevant knowledge based on mental activity.) For example, experts, teachers, coaches, etc.
According to Vygotsky’s theory, in order for learning to take place, the child must socialize with the use of instructional tools such as mentors, peers, computers, or anything that applies to learning. Vygotsky also believes in the importance of an appropriate environment in shaping the child, his theory claimed that children must use language to communicate with others before they can focus inward on their own thoughts. He argued that private speech represents an early transition in becoming more socially communicative.
In the teaching and learning process, I use Vygotsky’s theory to integrate the use of ICT in my teaching. I make good use of the ICT tools to help enhance my teaching learning process by involving students in the activities set out for them. Students are using the computer to research information; complete follow up activities online, type documents, demonstrate presentation using PowerPoint  and much more. An audio player is also integrated into my teaching learning process at times to cater for the students who are auditory learners. They listen to sound of characters performing, or stories being played, and sometimes they use it to record performance during class activities. This way the different learners are being included in the activities, thus learning takes place. Students also learn to verbalise with each other through class discussion, group work, peer tutoring, etc.  Dramatization also plays an important part in helping students to move away from dependency to independence. Through dramatization students learn the concept brought out by the different characters played. It also strengthens students’ dialogue with each other whether in a play, scene, or a particular event which help to bring out the main concept of whatever topic was displayed.
 I also learnt from the readings on Vygotsky’s work that the home, the community and a more experienced person help to mentor the child. It is through their assistance that knowledge is constructed by the child because of what the child sees, hears, touches, feels etc. Everything the child socialises with is processed internally and then learning is transferred.

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