Tuesday 4 March 2014

Module One: Reflection on Activity 8 (Piaget theory of Cognitive Development)

The work of Piaget has influenced my teaching in a number of ways, his principles and theories have worked tremendously with students of all levels. In the classroom the students are all different in the way they think and perform so knowing the development stages of my students and how they think and rationalize information helped me as a teacher to plan effectively to meet those needs. At times, we teachers fail to note the different stages in our students and therefore become frustrated when we cannot reach them but taking the students level of development into consideration is very important. When we take their stages of development into consideration we will be better able to work with what we know to enhance learning within the students. Piaget also looked at assimilation and accommodation and this principle is an effectively strategy that can bring about changes in the teaching learning process. I have learnt to take what the students know about a concept and guide them into making the connection for themselves using assimilation and accommodation as my guide. These strategies are enhancing my teaching styles and helping me to become a better teacher.

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