Monday 4 August 2014

Module 8: Reflection on Activity 2 (Classroom Management with ICT Integration

The activity on classroom management with ICT integration has caused me to reflect on several things. I reflected on earlier experiences I had when I first started integrating ICT into my lessons. I must state that at the beginning I encountered few problems with classroom management where students were doing their own things like surfing unsafe sites, having their own conversations in class on different matters beside the lesson, and chatting with friends online. After those experiences, I have learnt to plan more effectively to ensure that my students were actively involved and learning took place among all my students. I also ensured that all rules and regulation were followed and equipments were made readily available for my lesson delivery. In so doing, I turned my classroom into a teaching, learning environment where students interacted well with my approaches in using technology.

Therefore, I must state that classroom management with ICT integration must be well planned and executed in order for learning to take place among students. 

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