Thursday 7 August 2014

Module 8: Reflection on Activity 3 (Learning Labs)

While working on this activity, I have reflected on earlier periods in life where the uses of ICT in schools were not present in the teaching learning process. Today, the integrations of Learning Labs in schools have made it possible for teachers and students in the Caribbean to be on par with other developing countries.  These labs have helped tremendously in developing our learners’ competencies and helped them to access information readily at their own convenience.

In completing the activity on learning labs I have learnt a great deal of valuable information through various researches and from discussions held by my colleagues.  Some points stood out most from these researches and discussions by addressing the pros and cons of learning labs. These pros and cons will help aid the development of the teaching learning process.
  • Each student has a machine to work with which help in his/her learning process.
  • Learning labs allow for differentiating instructions which give a variety of options to help students successfully reach targeted standards.
  • They serve diverse academic interest and are not focused on specific topics or areas of study.
  •  Students are given the opportunity to work collaboratively on given tasks.

Although there are several benefits from learning labs problems can also derive which may include:
  •  Lack of supervision (not enough teachers to monitor students.)
  • Students visiting inappropriate websites.
  • Limited access as a shared resource.(The learning lab may not be available because it is often shared by other classes.)
  • They generally do not lend themselves to rearrangement which can be frustrating for teachers and students.
  •  It portrays that technology is removed from the classroom which sends the message that technology is separated from what students is learning in the classroom and may hinder the learning process.  

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