Tuesday 28 October 2014

Reflection: Module 6 Assignment one

In assignment one, I looked carefully at the assignment requirements and then the scoring rubric. I also used the action plan I was working on to help me with most of the activities on the assignment. For the section on goals that part was easy because for project base learning there were quite a few goals that I set out for myself.
However, for the challenges I had to reflect carefully on which area of project base learning was the most difficult. I used my experiences with working with my students on project base learning and I also did some researches on challenges encountered using project based learning. I selected three challenges of my choice to use in the selected section of the assignment.

For the other sections I took my time and carefully examined each aspect. Doing this has helped me tremendously and I got through ahead of time. I was able to get feedback from my tutor which helped me to improve on some areas. Overall, I think I did a good job. What I learnt from this is that anything can be achieved with the right attitude.

Reflection on module 6 Activity 5 Framing Questions

In order to complete this activity correctly I went back to the link giving by the tutor. http://www.intel.com/education/video/pbl/content.htm), (http://schoolnet.org.za/CoL/ACE/course/pbl/activities/pbl.act005.htm). These links on the different types of questions in the activity have helped me to achieve my task. I was able to interpret each one more meaningfully. I then put into practiced what I have learnt. The following framing questions helped me to construct my questions correctly.

Essential Questions:
                The essential questions generally spark curiosity and allow students to be engaged in meaningful discussions. They also require higher order thinking skills.

Unit Questions:
                 The unit questions assist in answering essential questions. They help the students to construct their own meaning from the information gathered. This in turn requires higher order thinking skills. The questions used are generally based on the objectives of the project.

Content Questions:
                The content questions answer the definition and deals with identification and generally record of information that was gathered. These questions also assist in answering the unit questions which are generally base on facts.

My intake from all this is that reading and understanding concepts must be number one priority to achieve any given task and because of this it has helped me to construct the framing questions comfortable. In this activity learning has been achieved.

Friday 24 October 2014

Reflection on Activity 4 (Project detail)

This activity was such a fun one for me. At first, I could not decide which project I wanted to use for my project detail write up, but eventually I chose the one that my students had the most fun with. I was able to use my project outline from that to construct my project detail and it really worked out well for me. I was also able to get feedback from my tutor and colleagues which helped to improve it overall.
What I have learnt from this exercise is feedback is necessary because it helps to improve your areas of weaknesses and also helps develop yours strengths as an individual.

Reflection on module 6 activity 3

In activity three we were asked to think of a project we have recently taught or participated in and described briefly in one paragraph the project and how it can be improved based on the characteristics of a successful project.
In this activity, I chose food as the topic because food plays a very significant part in our lives. The students also did a project in class where they used their process skills to investigate, interview, experiment and create an awareness of the importance of proper food storage.  They wanted to test the hypothesis that mould grows more quickly in warm conditions than in cold. Based on their investigation, interviewing, and experimenting they came up with the conclusion that mould grows more quickly in warm condition than in cold.

Through class and group discussions, the students thought that the project can be improved by making the public aware of the important of proper food storage so they created posters, brochures, had panel discussion on the importance of food and ways in which contamination of food can be lessened. They passed out the posters and brochures in the community and invited community members to share in the panel discussions at the school. Through this the public were enlightened on the importance of food preservation.

Reflection on Activity 2 of module 6 (Benefits of project base learning)

Based on my own research carried out on the benefits of project base learning I have learnt some of the followings:
·         project base learning helps to increase motivation
·         develop students’ academic gains
·         improve higher-order thinking and creative skills
·         increase collaboration
·         enhance growth in self- direction
·         it provides opportunities where all students benefit

Other Studies have  indicate that in project based learning, students are more involved in their learning and provides a variety of advantages such as gaining better understanding and ideas about a concept rather than being told about it. It also allows for greater retention of learning because of hands on experiences.

Knowing all of these benefits I am more aware of the vast of knowledge and experience students can gain from working through project base learning. Therefore, my goal is to provide the opportunity where students can be actively involved.

Module 6 Introduction Activity (Reflection)

I found the introduction activity to be a very interesting one. Each participant shared some information on the school, subject and the grade in which he/she teaches. I learnt through this information that some of us have experiences in doing project base learning while others do not. However, through the reading from my colleagues I am quite confident that this module will help all of us to become more competent in integrating project base learning into our teaching and learning process. I know with the guidance of our tutor, Mrs. Avery, we will all learn the desire goals we set for ourselves.