Tuesday 28 October 2014

Reflection on module 6 Activity 5 Framing Questions

In order to complete this activity correctly I went back to the link giving by the tutor. http://www.intel.com/education/video/pbl/content.htm), (http://schoolnet.org.za/CoL/ACE/course/pbl/activities/pbl.act005.htm). These links on the different types of questions in the activity have helped me to achieve my task. I was able to interpret each one more meaningfully. I then put into practiced what I have learnt. The following framing questions helped me to construct my questions correctly.

Essential Questions:
                The essential questions generally spark curiosity and allow students to be engaged in meaningful discussions. They also require higher order thinking skills.

Unit Questions:
                 The unit questions assist in answering essential questions. They help the students to construct their own meaning from the information gathered. This in turn requires higher order thinking skills. The questions used are generally based on the objectives of the project.

Content Questions:
                The content questions answer the definition and deals with identification and generally record of information that was gathered. These questions also assist in answering the unit questions which are generally base on facts.

My intake from all this is that reading and understanding concepts must be number one priority to achieve any given task and because of this it has helped me to construct the framing questions comfortable. In this activity learning has been achieved.

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