Friday 24 October 2014

Reflection on module 6 activity 3

In activity three we were asked to think of a project we have recently taught or participated in and described briefly in one paragraph the project and how it can be improved based on the characteristics of a successful project.
In this activity, I chose food as the topic because food plays a very significant part in our lives. The students also did a project in class where they used their process skills to investigate, interview, experiment and create an awareness of the importance of proper food storage.  They wanted to test the hypothesis that mould grows more quickly in warm conditions than in cold. Based on their investigation, interviewing, and experimenting they came up with the conclusion that mould grows more quickly in warm condition than in cold.

Through class and group discussions, the students thought that the project can be improved by making the public aware of the important of proper food storage so they created posters, brochures, had panel discussion on the importance of food and ways in which contamination of food can be lessened. They passed out the posters and brochures in the community and invited community members to share in the panel discussions at the school. Through this the public were enlightened on the importance of food preservation.

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