Friday 24 October 2014

Reflection on Activity 2 of module 6 (Benefits of project base learning)

Based on my own research carried out on the benefits of project base learning I have learnt some of the followings:
·         project base learning helps to increase motivation
·         develop students’ academic gains
·         improve higher-order thinking and creative skills
·         increase collaboration
·         enhance growth in self- direction
·         it provides opportunities where all students benefit

Other Studies have  indicate that in project based learning, students are more involved in their learning and provides a variety of advantages such as gaining better understanding and ideas about a concept rather than being told about it. It also allows for greater retention of learning because of hands on experiences.

Knowing all of these benefits I am more aware of the vast of knowledge and experience students can gain from working through project base learning. Therefore, my goal is to provide the opportunity where students can be actively involved.

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