Monday 25 March 2013

Reflection on Activity 5

In this activity I have gained more insight on computer literacy and the integrated approach. At first I thought as long as persons know how to operate the computer they were considered computer literate. I was so wrong! I am more aware of what computer literacy is right now.  It’s knowing about the history of the computer, its functions (how the computer works, its hardware and software, maintenance and being able to manage programs easily). However, the integrated approach is not separated by itself, it is used by learners to gain computer literacy where students acquire computer skills in a practical or meaningful way, like using the computer to solve problems and also construct their own knowledge through hands on activities and through real life experience.
Even though I do not see myself as computer literate I am going to use the integrated approach to enhance my teaching and learning skills so I can be better equip to deal with the challenges being face in the classroom. Also acquiring more knowledge using the integrated approach will definitely help me to be more computer literate. Therefore, the integrated approach should be included in schools' curriculum at all times as a guide  to help teachers and students in the teaching and learning.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Reflection on Activity 4

I enjoyed the readings on both Vygotsky and Dr. Mitra. I think they were both fabulous pieces of work and will benefit the way we teach our students. I have gained more knowledge on the spontaneous learning strategy and how students actively construct their own knowledge. However, we as teachers have to incorporate these strategies in our teaching and learning situation to help our students reach their goals and objectives.   Although, students go about experimenting, discovering and exploring to find answers, we as teachers must be there to guide, support and give feedback where necessary. We must also link what they know to what is being taught in the classroom and the students understanding will develop more quickly.

This ICT integration course is definitely a challenge, one I am happy to be doing. Constant research and insight to so many different ways of integrating ICT in the teaching and learning in schools will allow me to be more effective and efficient in teaching and delivering of my lessons. In today’s society students are constantly interacting with different ICT tools. Therefore, teachers need to motivate them to use these tools effectively and efficiently to improve their learning skills.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Self -Activity 4:
                             List of skills and behaviours students learn prior on entering school.

1.             A child on entering school may have learnt various things like:

  •  Speaking his/her home language and knowing the names of objects
  • Being able to identify signs and symbols use in his/ her surrounding.
  • Use sound to interpret the name from which it comes from (e.g. barking, the child interprets it to the sound of a dog.)
  • Wash and clothe himself/ herself without help.
  • Run and play with a ball
  • Use his / her motor skills to scribble on paper
  • Recognize size and shape and can group them to an object.
  • Learn to use a range of technologies like playing games on the computer, turning on and off the television and switching between channels and so on.

2.                         How has the child learnt these things?

       The child may have learnt these things :
  • Through everyday activities and experiences
  • Through socialization ( interacting with peers and with others)
  • Through the media (television shows)      
  • Through observation what goes on in his/ her surrounding and likewise adapt to doing them.
  • Through trial and errors

Monday 11 March 2013

Reflection on  Activity Three

This activity helps me to focus on the many different approaches teachers have to use when teaching. We cannot use the same approach when we are dealing with mixed ability students. Hence, we have to put in place the right planning and preparation when teaching ICT. 
ICT enables learners to function effectively in a technological world; it also provides an opportunity where learners seek way to improve the processing of information to use in their everyday lives. Some students learn better in school with computer- based technologies while some may find it a challenge. We as teachers need to be trained so we can implement what we have learnt in the classroom to help students better understand the concept of ICT and its uses.

This course is not about competition and who is more skilled than whom. It is about sharing, collaborating, team work, communication and growing as a team.  When I read through the article, I focused on the roles of learners and I have learnt so much. Through group participation, active engagement and frequent interaction and feed backs more effective learning had taken place.

Some of my colleagues and I guided each other when we were unsure about something and through our interaction I have grown as a teacher. Therefore, we need to give the same support to our students in the classroom and they too will grow and learn.

I like the mindmeister collaboration mind mapping. It reminded me of a concept map where many different ideas came out from a topic. This activity can be use with the students in my class where they can work and collaborate whatever ideas they have on a given topic.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Reflection: Activity one

After reflecting on the topic in activity one, I can truly say that it is not impossible for a developing nation to compete with developed nations in the field of ICT as long as appropriate training is given to educators and students.

Our first priority must be planning and preparing. If we plan and prepare ourselves in the field of ICT, we will have a better understanding of what is to be done and how to get it done. We can also take the knowledge we gained from our training sessions to educate the students in our schools. In most schools here in St.Vincent, we have a computer lap with several computers and projectors. We also have internet access in all primary and secondary schools where information can be easily accessed at any time. There is also the one net-book per child which the government has given to each student. Therefore, no child can be left behind if we carry out our objectives effectively and efficiently. These factors contribute to our nation being on par with other developed nations in the field of ICT.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Two generation of teachers differences in attitudes towards ICT,

Reflection on activity two

After reading through the article on “Two generations of teachers differences in attitudes towards ICT," by Silvia Ferrero. I now have a new perception of how I see older teachers. Before I used to look at them as not being capable or equipped enough to learn everything they need to know in ICT. I had believed that the younger teachers were the ones with the drive and enthusiasm to perform the task using the necessary skills and knowledge they have learnt in ICT training and courses. 

However, this article has taught me to have an open mind and to think critically. I believe that a lack of professional and technical assistance impedes the progress of the older teachers who are sometimes held to ransom by the more computer literate younger teachers. Research has shown with training and expertise in the ICT skills, older teachers are not as fearful and illiterate as I had thought. Instead they show perseverance and willingness to excel.