Tuesday 12 March 2013

Self -Activity 4:
                             List of skills and behaviours students learn prior on entering school.

1.             A child on entering school may have learnt various things like:

  •  Speaking his/her home language and knowing the names of objects
  • Being able to identify signs and symbols use in his/ her surrounding.
  • Use sound to interpret the name from which it comes from (e.g. barking, the child interprets it to the sound of a dog.)
  • Wash and clothe himself/ herself without help.
  • Run and play with a ball
  • Use his / her motor skills to scribble on paper
  • Recognize size and shape and can group them to an object.
  • Learn to use a range of technologies like playing games on the computer, turning on and off the television and switching between channels and so on.

2.                         How has the child learnt these things?

       The child may have learnt these things :
  • Through everyday activities and experiences
  • Through socialization ( interacting with peers and with others)
  • Through the media (television shows)      
  • Through observation what goes on in his/ her surrounding and likewise adapt to doing them.
  • Through trial and errors

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