Monday 25 March 2013

Reflection on Activity 5

In this activity I have gained more insight on computer literacy and the integrated approach. At first I thought as long as persons know how to operate the computer they were considered computer literate. I was so wrong! I am more aware of what computer literacy is right now.  It’s knowing about the history of the computer, its functions (how the computer works, its hardware and software, maintenance and being able to manage programs easily). However, the integrated approach is not separated by itself, it is used by learners to gain computer literacy where students acquire computer skills in a practical or meaningful way, like using the computer to solve problems and also construct their own knowledge through hands on activities and through real life experience.
Even though I do not see myself as computer literate I am going to use the integrated approach to enhance my teaching and learning skills so I can be better equip to deal with the challenges being face in the classroom. Also acquiring more knowledge using the integrated approach will definitely help me to be more computer literate. Therefore, the integrated approach should be included in schools' curriculum at all times as a guide  to help teachers and students in the teaching and learning.

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