Thursday 7 March 2013

Reflection: Activity one

After reflecting on the topic in activity one, I can truly say that it is not impossible for a developing nation to compete with developed nations in the field of ICT as long as appropriate training is given to educators and students.

Our first priority must be planning and preparing. If we plan and prepare ourselves in the field of ICT, we will have a better understanding of what is to be done and how to get it done. We can also take the knowledge we gained from our training sessions to educate the students in our schools. In most schools here in St.Vincent, we have a computer lap with several computers and projectors. We also have internet access in all primary and secondary schools where information can be easily accessed at any time. There is also the one net-book per child which the government has given to each student. Therefore, no child can be left behind if we carry out our objectives effectively and efficiently. These factors contribute to our nation being on par with other developed nations in the field of ICT.

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