Wednesday 15 May 2013

Module 3: Reflection on assignment 1

I am happy to have gotten back my assignment with a good grade. Looking back at the steps I took to the get the assignment completed was not difficult but time consuming. However, I can say that hard work does bring success. As Educators, we sometimes forget the roles that we have to play to bring about learning in the classroom and in everyday life. This assignment has reminded me of the seven roles and how importance each one is in helping our children to succeed. The mediator, the interpreter and designer of learning programmes and materials,  the leader,  the scholar, researcher and lifelong learners, community, citizenship and pastoral, the assessor and the learning area/ subject specialist.
 I mostly like the role of the mediator because my role as a mediator is to understand the needs of my students, acknowledge how learning environment may affect them and find ways and means to solve whatever problems they may encounter. At times it may seem very difficult to accomplish but this course has taught me that anything is possible with the right frame of mind. Hence, I will help my students organize their thought processes and channel them in a meaningful way whenever I see failure written on their faces.  Being better prepared will help me as a teacher to meet the needs of my students and in the long run they will be better equipped with the knowledge gained from it. 
Also the role of an assessor is very important  because his/ her job is to identify the needs of the learners, planning and designing learning programs, tracking learners’ progress and diagnosing and implementing new methods. Not only should educators monitor the learning patterns of their learners but also their own teaching patterns because learners are affected by teaching methods as well as classroom environments and other factors. Therefore, as an assessor my objective is to be on cue with my students performance, noting that assessment is an essential feature of teaching and learning and should continuously be integrated into the teaching and learning process.

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