Friday 25 October 2013

Module 4: Reflection on activity 4

Assessment Methods

This activity focuses on various important basic principles of assessment.  These assessment principles and methods are used to gather evidence of learners’ work and help to give accurate feedback base on their performances.  In the readings the traditional standards and methods are discussed along with other methods such as; individual assessment, peer assessment, self assessment, group assessment, and many more.  I have learnt that these standards and methods give innovative ways of gathering evidence for assessment and can be done in the form of observation; interviews, open book test, simulation, portfolios, prepare learning materials, and many more. These methods and standards cater for diverse learning intelligence and can be used either with the process or product form of assessment.

I am more appreciative of the experiences gained from completing these activities and assignments. The experiences gained are helping me to become more efficient in my teaching career. I am learning new ways and means to apply myself better in the teaching and learning process, also the learning experiences have brought home to me what I need to do to become a more improved educator.

Module 4: Reflection on activity 3


I found the readings of Howard Gardener's theory of Multiple Intelligence very useful.  It helps to categorize the different levels of intelligence and also the different learning diversity of learners in the classroom and in everyday life. If we were to use one method/ tool to implement in the classroom among the diverse learning style of learners, then there will be problems resulting from this because not everyone learns the same way. As educators Gardener’s theory helps us to employ differentiate teaching method in the classroom to bring about learning.

I know at times, I fail to implement the different teaching strategies which cater for the needs of my students with mixed ability. However, the readings by Gardener and Bloom reminded me that my students are all different and that they don’t always learn the same way. Am also reminded that I should always cater for diversity within my classroom with proper planning, analysis and assessment methods.

This activity helps to reinforce Gardener’s theory of Multiple Intelligence and as an educator I have to address these intelligence levels within my classroom. Therefore, I will implement Gardener’s theory of intelligence into my teaching and learning process. I will review my syllabus and learning outcomes more thoroughly and find ways to execute the intelligence levels suitable for my learners as identified by Gardener.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Module 4: Reflection on Activity 2

At first I looked at the activity and then went on to the readings to get a better idea of where I was going. The readings were based on process and product assessment. In my view both assessment methods are important in the teaching/ learning process. It is good to assess students using the process method which gives a better assessment of the students' work. This approach helps teachers to gather evidence of students' abilities and performances; it diagnoses students' strengths and weaknesses. Teachers can then employ a strategy approach to help students get to the final stage which is the product stage. The Product assessment on the other hand gives an overall evaluation by the teacher of the students’ progress, for example the Common Entrance Examination. At this stage the students are evaluated based on what they have learnt throughout their primary school years and the product assessment’s (Common Entrance) result shows their overall performance.

Module 4: Reflection on Assignment One

As I looked back at the task I had to accomplish in assignment one, I felt confident in the first three steps of the assignment because of the rubrics and other methods I use in my everyday teaching/ learning process. The on-going assessment I employ in Language Arts (Literacy) has helped me to think critically and answer what was expected to be achieved in the assignment. However, I was not as confident in the last section of the assignment, where I had to outline the changes in assessment practice that I think are most important to implement. I honestly thought this part would have been a challenge; however, I was wrong and was able to score full marks on all areas.  

My tutor gave me some positive feedbacks which I used to my advantage and in the end it was worth it. I enjoyed working on assignment 1 and I have gained more knowledge and experience analysing surveys. Overall, it was a good challenge for me.

Module 4: Reflection on Activity 1

In this activity I carried out the survey on assessment methods/ tools with the grade 6 students and one of myself to analyse my teaching methods. After comparing the students' survey to mine, most of the students had a higher result than mine. This revealed that most students thought average or above average of my teaching methods, whereas I seemed to have been quite harsh/ bias with my own survey. This is an indication that my students are aware of the ongoing assessment approaches that I use in my teaching/ learning process. Hence, the  teaching methods I employ are beneficial to my students because they help students develop their critically thinking and learning skills based on the feedback given from the assessment.