Friday 25 October 2013

Module 4: Reflection on activity 3


I found the readings of Howard Gardener's theory of Multiple Intelligence very useful.  It helps to categorize the different levels of intelligence and also the different learning diversity of learners in the classroom and in everyday life. If we were to use one method/ tool to implement in the classroom among the diverse learning style of learners, then there will be problems resulting from this because not everyone learns the same way. As educators Gardener’s theory helps us to employ differentiate teaching method in the classroom to bring about learning.

I know at times, I fail to implement the different teaching strategies which cater for the needs of my students with mixed ability. However, the readings by Gardener and Bloom reminded me that my students are all different and that they don’t always learn the same way. Am also reminded that I should always cater for diversity within my classroom with proper planning, analysis and assessment methods.

This activity helps to reinforce Gardener’s theory of Multiple Intelligence and as an educator I have to address these intelligence levels within my classroom. Therefore, I will implement Gardener’s theory of intelligence into my teaching and learning process. I will review my syllabus and learning outcomes more thoroughly and find ways to execute the intelligence levels suitable for my learners as identified by Gardener.

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