Sunday 13 October 2013

Module 4: Reflection on Activity 2

At first I looked at the activity and then went on to the readings to get a better idea of where I was going. The readings were based on process and product assessment. In my view both assessment methods are important in the teaching/ learning process. It is good to assess students using the process method which gives a better assessment of the students' work. This approach helps teachers to gather evidence of students' abilities and performances; it diagnoses students' strengths and weaknesses. Teachers can then employ a strategy approach to help students get to the final stage which is the product stage. The Product assessment on the other hand gives an overall evaluation by the teacher of the students’ progress, for example the Common Entrance Examination. At this stage the students are evaluated based on what they have learnt throughout their primary school years and the product assessment’s (Common Entrance) result shows their overall performance.

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