Friday 25 October 2013

Module 4: Reflection on activity 4

Assessment Methods

This activity focuses on various important basic principles of assessment.  These assessment principles and methods are used to gather evidence of learners’ work and help to give accurate feedback base on their performances.  In the readings the traditional standards and methods are discussed along with other methods such as; individual assessment, peer assessment, self assessment, group assessment, and many more.  I have learnt that these standards and methods give innovative ways of gathering evidence for assessment and can be done in the form of observation; interviews, open book test, simulation, portfolios, prepare learning materials, and many more. These methods and standards cater for diverse learning intelligence and can be used either with the process or product form of assessment.

I am more appreciative of the experiences gained from completing these activities and assignments. The experiences gained are helping me to become more efficient in my teaching career. I am learning new ways and means to apply myself better in the teaching and learning process, also the learning experiences have brought home to me what I need to do to become a more improved educator.

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