Sunday 13 October 2013

Module 4: Reflection on Assignment One

As I looked back at the task I had to accomplish in assignment one, I felt confident in the first three steps of the assignment because of the rubrics and other methods I use in my everyday teaching/ learning process. The on-going assessment I employ in Language Arts (Literacy) has helped me to think critically and answer what was expected to be achieved in the assignment. However, I was not as confident in the last section of the assignment, where I had to outline the changes in assessment practice that I think are most important to implement. I honestly thought this part would have been a challenge; however, I was wrong and was able to score full marks on all areas.  

My tutor gave me some positive feedbacks which I used to my advantage and in the end it was worth it. I enjoyed working on assignment 1 and I have gained more knowledge and experience analysing surveys. Overall, it was a good challenge for me.

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