Tuesday 29 April 2014

Module 5- Reflection (Activity 3b Software Review in Blog)

The Criteria constructed in activity 3a was very meaningful and effectively used in the delivery of educational software in the activity. I have learnt from the criteria that when looking at educational software, there are several benefits that can be derived. For example, the introduction provided should aid the learning outcomes in ways that are directly relevant and useful to the learners. The language level of the software should be user friendly, informal, welcoming and accessible.  The information presented should be up-to-date and the activities displayed should be related to the learning outcomes. Also the material presented should be suitable for the intended audience.

The criteria’s descriptions help us to better identify the types of software that are useful and unambiguous and help us to avoid the type of software that are unsafe and irrelevant for ourselves and our learners. If we follow the above mentioned criteria when looking or using educational software our job will become much easier and our learners will be better equipped with the materials presented to them in the software.

Monday 28 April 2014

Module 5( Reflection on Activity Two Educational Software)

The integration of educational software in the teaching-learning process is very beneficial to all of us. These software provide opportunities where users can access information readily at any given time. Some of the information found on these websites are up to date and correct while some are not.

 I use several softwares to enhance my teaching styles/strategies and to improve my understanding of certain concepts before I deliver the content to my learners. I also share some of these software with my learners so they can research information needed for educational purposes, do follow-up activities as practices, play educational games and even be tutored online. These software provide opportunities where my students and myself can be on par with other students and teachers globally. 

Monday 21 April 2014

Module 5: Reflection on Activity one (The Value of Social Bookmarking)

I must say using Diigo  is new to me. I am still navigating my way around it to get familiar with its content and usage. I realize that at times I may encounter problems but with time I hope to become better at bookmarking and using Diigo to access, store, share and organize information found.
I know social bookmarking is also a fantastic way to gather, save and share websites, information or resources online with a community of people. This also provides opportunities for me to access information easily and readily and helps me to learn about new and innovative ideas from others. I hope to share what I learn with my other colleagues at school.
I must also say that my new tutor Fiona is very organize and helpful. She demonstrated the process of setting up a diigo account through a video presentation. This was very helpful to us as teachers who are beginners. Great job Fiona!

Here is my blog address and Diigo account:


Friday 11 April 2014

Reflection on Module 1 Assignment three

In assignment three we were asked to plan a lesson in which  a questioning strategy was to be implemented, the way learners' thinking skills were developed and the way technology was integrated in support of both the questioning strategy and development of thinking skills. In this assignment I used what I have learn from some of the activities  in the module to help me with the questioning strategies in the assignment. The information found was helpful especially in the questioning strategies and the learners' thinking skills. I also used the contrast strategy to compare the lesson to how it was taught before the integration of ICT and evidently the use of technology has a more positive effect on the learners as compared to other teaching methods like the lecture method and the chalk and talk method of teaching. In the assignment I was also mindful to stick to the word limit and to read carefully what was expected in the completion of the assignment. Overall, I believe I did all that was expected of me and now I am just awaiting my result.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Reflection on Module one activity 12: (Problem Solving Skills)

In activity twelve I looked at the topic ‘Deforestation’ and the damaging effects it has on the environment. I used the problem solving strategy to get students to participate in the class and group’s discussion. The students also used their research skills to research on the topic. Through discussion and sharing of ideas, the students came up with solutions to the problem. The problem was then identified and addressed and the students were made aware of the damaging effects of deforestation and they also created a public awareness of the importance of the forest and why it should be conserved. Overall, the activity was a good one.

Reflection on Module one activity 11: Encourage Learners to Ask Questions

Looking back on activity eleven was such an inspiring one; the reading gave me a lot of insight on how I can use compare and contrast to stimulate thinking. In the activity I represented to my group, the students were actively involved in hands-on- activity and were making comparison from the different mixtures carried out to test which is miscible and immiscible. Lots of questioning strategies and thinking skills were also employed which helped students in their critical thinking.

                This activity enhanced my questioning skills/ strategies. It also helped me in my organizing and planning skills for other activities which was done effectively. The activity boosted my self confidence and equipped me with the necessary skills needed to enhance my teaching, learning process. Also, I got my students to start thinking, comparing and contrasting ideas, especially when I used pictures, juxtaposed or experiment.