Monday 21 April 2014

Module 5: Reflection on Activity one (The Value of Social Bookmarking)

I must say using Diigo  is new to me. I am still navigating my way around it to get familiar with its content and usage. I realize that at times I may encounter problems but with time I hope to become better at bookmarking and using Diigo to access, store, share and organize information found.
I know social bookmarking is also a fantastic way to gather, save and share websites, information or resources online with a community of people. This also provides opportunities for me to access information easily and readily and helps me to learn about new and innovative ideas from others. I hope to share what I learn with my other colleagues at school.
I must also say that my new tutor Fiona is very organize and helpful. She demonstrated the process of setting up a diigo account through a video presentation. This was very helpful to us as teachers who are beginners. Great job Fiona!

Here is my blog address and Diigo account:


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