Tuesday 29 April 2014

Module 5- Reflection (Activity 3b Software Review in Blog)

The Criteria constructed in activity 3a was very meaningful and effectively used in the delivery of educational software in the activity. I have learnt from the criteria that when looking at educational software, there are several benefits that can be derived. For example, the introduction provided should aid the learning outcomes in ways that are directly relevant and useful to the learners. The language level of the software should be user friendly, informal, welcoming and accessible.  The information presented should be up-to-date and the activities displayed should be related to the learning outcomes. Also the material presented should be suitable for the intended audience.

The criteria’s descriptions help us to better identify the types of software that are useful and unambiguous and help us to avoid the type of software that are unsafe and irrelevant for ourselves and our learners. If we follow the above mentioned criteria when looking or using educational software our job will become much easier and our learners will be better equipped with the materials presented to them in the software.

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