Thursday 18 September 2014

Module 8_ Assignment 3 (Managing Learning and Teaching with ICT)


Looking back at the activities in this module has caused me to reflect on my own experience as a teacher. There are so many things that I have learnt from this course. I have learnt how to incorporate these technology enhancements into my teaching/learning process.  
                Learning about the pros and cons, the strategies used to effectively enhance learning in the classroom and the rules that apply to each of them has helped me tremendously. Although, I was actively involved in the discussions and the group’s collaboration, what stood out the most was using what I have learnt in assignment one, two and three but especially in three. Here is where I gained a much better understanding of the concepts taught. Through various researches on the different technology enhancement I was able to put my understanding to use and was able to complete my assignment on time.  

                I am not really sure how I am going be graded and what my result will be, but I do know that learning has definitely taken place where I am concern. Through ICT technology enhancement, my understand of most concept taught in this module has been broaden. 

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Module 8- Activity 10 (Flipped Classroom)

Based on the activity I did on flipped classroom, my understanding of it is; it is use to enhance learning in a new, and creative way. In the flipped classroom it provides opportunities where students view a lecture, discussion or video that is created by the instructor and posted online. The distinctive lecture and homework component of a course are reversed. Instead short video lectures are viewed by students at home before class session, and class time is devoted to exercise, project or discussions. In the flipped classroom it is more students centered, while the teacher sit and listen and act as a guide. In the flipped classroom students interact with each other in an engaging way. They formulate questions, answers and create notes from the online material posted by the teacher. Activities are more student-led and communications among students are more devoted to learning through hands-on work. This technology enhancement in itself gives rise to students becoming actively involved in their own learning.

Module 8- Activity nine (Cell phone gripes and debate)

In reflection on activity nine which looked at my gripes of cell phones in the classroom and cell phone debate, I believe that students of the primary, secondary and tertiary level in St.Vincent and the Grenadines need to be fully train about its use, and how to be responsible users in the learning environment in order for such implementation to effectively take place. If training is not put in place I can see many problems arising in the learning environment which could affect how students learn. Some of these reasons are:
·         Distraction arising in class due to loud ring type and also the use of social network in class on cell phone when not to, which may affects the teaching/learning process.
·       Another problem is students not being able to interact with the phone properly causing problems in  receiving the information required in the learning activity.
·         If teachers do not provide proper supervision, students may use the phone to surf inappropriate websites which does not relate to the learning outcome.
·         If teachers are not trained in using these devices then, it can affect the teaching/learning process. Time will be wasted in learning to use it to teach, instead of smooth running of the teaching/learning activities.
·         If classroom rules is not put in place and act upon, students may store answers to questions on their phone that may come on their test and may use the phone during exam time to get the answers.

I personally believe that we are not ready to integrate cell phones into the teaching, learning process unless proper training is done with the teaching staff, parents and students. 

Friday 12 September 2014

Module 8_ Activity 8 (E-Safety Policies)

As I looked back at this activity, I was reminded of the many safety rules and measures that we teachers have to safe-guard to ensure safety is carried out while our students are on cyberspace. In researching and designing the school e-safety policies in the activity, I reflected on my own experience of teaching a lesson with e-safety. That lesson helped me to carefully examine my role as a teacher and my aim to help safe-guard my students from cyberspace. In order for my aim to be successfully achieved, I came up with these school e-safety policies. They are:
• Students should be taught responsible behavior and protection while online.
• The principal delegates’ responsibility to staff on teaching e-safety rules/messages to all students.E• Students should be supervised at all times when using the internet.
• Students should have a clear and defined educational purpose for their search.
• Access to blocked sites for educational purposes should be implemented by the ICT coordinator to ensure safety.
• Pupils should be aware that the use of the internet is for the purpose of the teaching/learning process and not personal agenda.
• The use of social networking (facebook, messenger, skype) should be prohibited for learner of a certain age group.

If these policies are effectively carried out, then our students will be safe from the dangers of cyberspace and this will help them to communicate and collaborate information better.

Module 8 _Activity 7: Managing Tablets in the classroom

I really enjoyed working on this activity especially where we had to debate on the advantages and disadvantages of using tablet in the teaching learning process. There are several strong reasons why the use of these devices will help enhance students’ learning, and in my opinion some of the most powerful ones are as follow:

1. They can be used as a e-reader, thus loading the e-book onto each child's tablet and let them have easy access to the different types of books available. This will help enhance their reading skills and build their vocabulary skills.

2. Tablet fit student's lifestyles, they are thin, lightweight, and spring to life without delay, making them much easier to take and use in class. This in itself lend to students being provided with the necessary tool needed to enhance their ICT skills.

3. They are the greatest way to illustrate textbooks and students have direct access to descriptions, videos, activities and other content areas.

4. They are used to make presentations, use as a communication tool, they display creativity, and are used as a research tool and for noting taking.

Although great benefits can be derived from using tablet in the classroom as a learning tool, not everyone will agree with this. Some may think that the tablet hardly have any impact of how students learn and may quote some of the disadvantages below.

·          Tablets generate more classroom management issues for teachers.

·         The costs of the tablets are too expensive and do not worth the value in education they provide.

·         Most app on the devices relies mainly on a consistent internet connection in order to work.

In viewing all of the pros and cons, I conclude that using tablet as a learning resource in classrooms will definitely have more advantages than disadvantages on our students learning outcome. 

Module 8 (Activity 6): Pros and Cons of one to one learning with ICT

In this activity I learnt a great deal about the pros and cons of one to one computing with ICT from my colleagues’ online researches and discussions. These discussions and researches have helped me to differentiate between the other technology enhancements pros and cons. Some of the points that stood out the most in the pros and cons are:

  •  It encourages students to develop the skills needed to improve their performance.
  • It allows students to develop their oral communication skill.
  • It allows students to work at their own pace.
  •  It caters for the slow learners.
  •  Students will be responsible for their own learning.

  •      It can be time consuming.
  •      It requires effective planning.
  •      It would not be beneficial to all students because of the mixed ability
  •      It will be too expensive to maintain and service all the computers.
  •      Some students might be frustrated if they are not getting through
     After completing this activity, my aim is to use all the information gained from it to help me enhance my ICT skills and attitude. Also, to help develop my learner's competency in using one to one learning with ICT to boost their confidence and overall goal.

Monday 1 September 2014

Reflection on Module 8_ Assignment 2

 I have completed this assignment ahead of time and was able to get positive feedback from my tutor which helped me to improve my work. At first, it was my option that the sound track and the movie maker would pose a challenge, especially where it mentioned the production of a sound track of my voice and play it to record with the presentation at the same time. This was new to me but after viewing my tutor’s feedback, I was able to successfully complete all that was expected of me. This assignment has definitely been a learning process and I hope that my result for this assignment shows my competence at getting the work done.