Thursday 18 September 2014

Module 8_ Assignment 3 (Managing Learning and Teaching with ICT)


Looking back at the activities in this module has caused me to reflect on my own experience as a teacher. There are so many things that I have learnt from this course. I have learnt how to incorporate these technology enhancements into my teaching/learning process.  
                Learning about the pros and cons, the strategies used to effectively enhance learning in the classroom and the rules that apply to each of them has helped me tremendously. Although, I was actively involved in the discussions and the group’s collaboration, what stood out the most was using what I have learnt in assignment one, two and three but especially in three. Here is where I gained a much better understanding of the concepts taught. Through various researches on the different technology enhancement I was able to put my understanding to use and was able to complete my assignment on time.  

                I am not really sure how I am going be graded and what my result will be, but I do know that learning has definitely taken place where I am concern. Through ICT technology enhancement, my understand of most concept taught in this module has been broaden. 

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