Wednesday 17 September 2014

Module 8- Activity 10 (Flipped Classroom)

Based on the activity I did on flipped classroom, my understanding of it is; it is use to enhance learning in a new, and creative way. In the flipped classroom it provides opportunities where students view a lecture, discussion or video that is created by the instructor and posted online. The distinctive lecture and homework component of a course are reversed. Instead short video lectures are viewed by students at home before class session, and class time is devoted to exercise, project or discussions. In the flipped classroom it is more students centered, while the teacher sit and listen and act as a guide. In the flipped classroom students interact with each other in an engaging way. They formulate questions, answers and create notes from the online material posted by the teacher. Activities are more student-led and communications among students are more devoted to learning through hands-on work. This technology enhancement in itself gives rise to students becoming actively involved in their own learning.

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