Friday 12 September 2014

Module 8 _Activity 7: Managing Tablets in the classroom

I really enjoyed working on this activity especially where we had to debate on the advantages and disadvantages of using tablet in the teaching learning process. There are several strong reasons why the use of these devices will help enhance students’ learning, and in my opinion some of the most powerful ones are as follow:

1. They can be used as a e-reader, thus loading the e-book onto each child's tablet and let them have easy access to the different types of books available. This will help enhance their reading skills and build their vocabulary skills.

2. Tablet fit student's lifestyles, they are thin, lightweight, and spring to life without delay, making them much easier to take and use in class. This in itself lend to students being provided with the necessary tool needed to enhance their ICT skills.

3. They are the greatest way to illustrate textbooks and students have direct access to descriptions, videos, activities and other content areas.

4. They are used to make presentations, use as a communication tool, they display creativity, and are used as a research tool and for noting taking.

Although great benefits can be derived from using tablet in the classroom as a learning tool, not everyone will agree with this. Some may think that the tablet hardly have any impact of how students learn and may quote some of the disadvantages below.

·          Tablets generate more classroom management issues for teachers.

·         The costs of the tablets are too expensive and do not worth the value in education they provide.

·         Most app on the devices relies mainly on a consistent internet connection in order to work.

In viewing all of the pros and cons, I conclude that using tablet as a learning resource in classrooms will definitely have more advantages than disadvantages on our students learning outcome. 

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