Monday 29 April 2013

Module 3: Reflection on Activity 3

 I find Activity 3 to be a very simple exercise. In part one of exercise 3, word processor software was used and I enjoyed using it to construct activities for my students to do through the use of certain applications. I also liked the different samples of activities that were done by the other teachers.  It was inspiring for me and I got the opportunity to see their work represented through emails, dropbox, or goggle drive. Through the group's collaboration we are able to build on each other strengths and weaknesses and also help each other along the way.

The lesson plan in part 2 of exercise 3 was easy for me because of the numerous lessons I have to plan per week. However, incorporating ICT into lessons will have to be a must, for ICT helps students of mixed abilities to learn better. As teachers we should be aiming to provide learning experiences for our pupils that ultimately lead them to the development of skills and attitudes that equip them to become independent lifelong learners, effective collaborators, efficient workers and capable communicators. I see ICT as a powerful learning tool that, in the hands of confident, capable and creative teachers, can greatly enhance many teaching and learning situations. Effective use of ICT across the curriculum results in significantly increased levels of pupil engagement which in turn raises levels of attainment, particularly with struggling learners.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Reflection on Module 3: (Activity 2)

This activity was not difficult to construct and did not present a challenge, since we are accustomed doing lesson plans and worksheet as part of our teaching/ learning activities. However, the worksheet will help me in my assessment with the students when teaching.

Reflection on Module 3 (activity1)

 I find activity 1 was easy to manipulate because we had on sight instruction from our tutor. I was able to complete the activities without difficulty. However, because of my confidence I did not look over my work and I made a few errors on the assessment form. This has taught me a valuable lesson and in future I will make sure to double check before posting.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Reflection on activity 9: STaR Chart

I find the STaR Chart very relevant. I was able to use it to assess my school’s technology and readiness framework. As compared to the STaR Chart my school is basically at the development tech stage. At this stage the basics have been mastered and we are now at a more developed stage. However, we are at the advanced stage with hardware and connectivity because the school has enough computers to accommodate a 5:1 ratio among students to computers.
The STaR Chart was very useful because when it was compared with my school, it gave a thorough evaluation of the level at which my school is functioning  with ICT readiness. The STaR Chart was a guide use to show where we are as a school in terms of ICT and where we can be in tomorrow’s classroom. However, the chart did not give pointer as to how the school can  be developed to the advance stage. Therefore, the parents, teachers and students can work together to develop the advance stage of ICT school readiness and this in turn will assit in reaching a wider cross-section of the community.      

Thursday 11 April 2013

·  Reflection on activity 8

This activity it mainly focussed on teaching spaces.  Although it is not entirely necessary to wait for ICT to examine our teaching practices, the use of ICT in the classroom could help us to be more effective and better prepare in our teaching and learning practices, assessments whether formative or summative and evaluating our teaching spaces. It is best that teachers arrange their classrooms in such a way to integrate ICT and to facilitate changes. Thinking differently about teaching spaces, the arrival of even one computer in the classroom can have a profound effect on the way students learn and the way the classroom operates as compared to the traditional setting where the lecture method was mainly used. When students have a classroom that is ICT friendly it motivates them to learn and at the same time creates an atmosphere conducive for learning. Although the classroom spaces we operate in were designed to reflect the traditional, transmissive style of curriculum delivery we can still create space in the classroom for computers, projector, printer, internet access and for group work which will help to initiate a rethinking process by the teacher, leading him/her to re-evaluate how classroom activities and learning experiences work best. Also the anytime, anywhere access to information enables students to engage directly with expert sources when they are needed and the sight, sound, touch experience becomes a powerful motivator in learning.
I am now challenged to go back to my school to create my ideal classroom space and I know it will be a gain for everyone!
Reflection on Assignment 2

When asked to choose one of the lesson from the list of lessons to do a critical review, I was not sure where to begin. However, I chose one from the language aspect and broke it down to to get my analysis. First I looked at the assessment criteria  to see which section earns the most marks. After that I got my lesson and did a thorough evaluation on it. I was then able to answer each statement based on my findings in the lesson plan. I use my knowledge gained from assignment 1 to build on my assessment and it had helped to answer each segment of the assignment beautifully. The lesson itself had lots of integration and the use of the mind mapping, word processing and power-point presentation were integrated into the lesson.  It was very effective for the teacher to incorporate those methods into the lesson because  it helped to enhance learning  and students were able to do lots on hands on activities with the computer and the different software programmes used.
 The assignment activity helped me a lot as a teacher and now I can use some, if not all of these ICT teaching strategies when planning my lessons. I can proudly say I am learning and loving ICT more and more each day!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Reflection on activity 7

Doing the activity using PowerPoint presentation was very delightful for me as I use PowerPoint presentation in delivering my lessons on a regular basis. However, I find the reading on activity 7 to be quite a lot and most of it was not really needed for the activity presented. What caught my interest though while reading was the part where changes occurred in stages that ACOT has labeled; for example:  Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Appropriation, and Invention?
In order to really explain the stages we tackled them in sections, with Entry being the first section. It is important to note that in this stage, instructional technology had already existed, which was text-based with common tools and traditional schooling was firmly in place. ACOT teachers began with little, if any experience using technology, yet most were experienced users of traditional methods and materials. As the teachers moved through these stages, traditional methods were first strengthened by technology and then gradually replaced by more active and engaging learning experiences. The second stage was the Adoption stage. In this stage, the teachers tried to accommodate the new technology, encountering challenges, which were thought to have had an effect on the students’ performance within the classroom; however, the adoption stage did not show an increase or a decrease in students’ performances. It also resulted in student attendance rates being up and reports of discipline problems in the ACOT classrooms were zero to few. The use of ICT has basically changed their classroom environments and they spent most of their time establishing order and learning to use the equipment.
I am in agreement that implementing change in education must include changing teachers’ practices beliefs. This does not mean abandoning beliefs but gradually replacing them with more relevant beliefs shaped by experiences in an altered context. And it is this altered context that may make the difference. When teachers work with colleagues and administrators who actively support fundamental change, there are far greater opportunities for successful growth of new beliefs and practices. Teachers deeply hold traditional beliefs about schooling and the underlying of the institution’s resistance to change. In order to successfully change a teacher’s practice belief, I must start within the classroom, using the ACOT development stages. This method introduces teachers to the ACOT program and gradually makes the teachers, as well as the students more comfortable with the understanding of technology.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Reflection on Assignment 1

As I looked back on assignment 1 and the many challenges that were faced completing it,  I can now say that through trial and errors I have learnt a great deal. The part of the assignment that I liked the most was the survey section where I had to formulate my statements around my hypothesis and then distribute them to the primary schools chosen. All of the teachers contributed positively in answering the Statements and that was a plus on my side. I like the assignment activity a lot even though it was a challenge, I have learnt things that I had forgotten. However,  I had some difficulty with analysing the data thoroughly and that part was a learning process for me.  Although I analysed it according to the requirements it wasn't sufficient  enough and therefore cost me some point. I am proud to say that this ICT course is indeed enhancing my learning skills as a teacher.

Reflection on activity six

 I enjoy the reading done by Mr. Wheeler's on the role of the teacher. I think the article is very informative and it helps to prepare us in the field of ICT (in the classroom and our everyday lives). What stands out most to me in the article is his abstract statement where he mentioned 'teachers need to adapt to change if they are to survive and keep pace with new methods and technologies.’ This is so true because in a developing world like this where technology is on the rampage we have to be prepared. I know too many teachers are comfortable with their old teaching practice and do not see ICT as a better method as compared to their way of teaching and hence it is difficult to get them to think differently where ICT is concern. I know I am one of those teachers who use to complain a lot about too much work, but now I am learning to appreciate the use of technology in my everyday situation/ experiences and what it can do for me especially in my teaching and learning practice. As teachers we need to upgrade ourselves to the use of ICT skills and we will be better able to present and deliver our lessons effectively and in turn the students will benefit greatly because we are their guides. I know with the right attitude toward ICT integration we can make teaching and learning a very successful one.