Saturday 13 April 2013

Reflection on activity 9: STaR Chart

I find the STaR Chart very relevant. I was able to use it to assess my school’s technology and readiness framework. As compared to the STaR Chart my school is basically at the development tech stage. At this stage the basics have been mastered and we are now at a more developed stage. However, we are at the advanced stage with hardware and connectivity because the school has enough computers to accommodate a 5:1 ratio among students to computers.
The STaR Chart was very useful because when it was compared with my school, it gave a thorough evaluation of the level at which my school is functioning  with ICT readiness. The STaR Chart was a guide use to show where we are as a school in terms of ICT and where we can be in tomorrow’s classroom. However, the chart did not give pointer as to how the school can  be developed to the advance stage. Therefore, the parents, teachers and students can work together to develop the advance stage of ICT school readiness and this in turn will assit in reaching a wider cross-section of the community.      

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