Saturday 6 April 2013

Reflection on Assignment 1

As I looked back on assignment 1 and the many challenges that were faced completing it,  I can now say that through trial and errors I have learnt a great deal. The part of the assignment that I liked the most was the survey section where I had to formulate my statements around my hypothesis and then distribute them to the primary schools chosen. All of the teachers contributed positively in answering the Statements and that was a plus on my side. I like the assignment activity a lot even though it was a challenge, I have learnt things that I had forgotten. However,  I had some difficulty with analysing the data thoroughly and that part was a learning process for me.  Although I analysed it according to the requirements it wasn't sufficient  enough and therefore cost me some point. I am proud to say that this ICT course is indeed enhancing my learning skills as a teacher.

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