Monday 29 April 2013

Module 3: Reflection on Activity 3

 I find Activity 3 to be a very simple exercise. In part one of exercise 3, word processor software was used and I enjoyed using it to construct activities for my students to do through the use of certain applications. I also liked the different samples of activities that were done by the other teachers.  It was inspiring for me and I got the opportunity to see their work represented through emails, dropbox, or goggle drive. Through the group's collaboration we are able to build on each other strengths and weaknesses and also help each other along the way.

The lesson plan in part 2 of exercise 3 was easy for me because of the numerous lessons I have to plan per week. However, incorporating ICT into lessons will have to be a must, for ICT helps students of mixed abilities to learn better. As teachers we should be aiming to provide learning experiences for our pupils that ultimately lead them to the development of skills and attitudes that equip them to become independent lifelong learners, effective collaborators, efficient workers and capable communicators. I see ICT as a powerful learning tool that, in the hands of confident, capable and creative teachers, can greatly enhance many teaching and learning situations. Effective use of ICT across the curriculum results in significantly increased levels of pupil engagement which in turn raises levels of attainment, particularly with struggling learners.

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