Thursday 11 April 2013

·  Reflection on activity 8

This activity it mainly focussed on teaching spaces.  Although it is not entirely necessary to wait for ICT to examine our teaching practices, the use of ICT in the classroom could help us to be more effective and better prepare in our teaching and learning practices, assessments whether formative or summative and evaluating our teaching spaces. It is best that teachers arrange their classrooms in such a way to integrate ICT and to facilitate changes. Thinking differently about teaching spaces, the arrival of even one computer in the classroom can have a profound effect on the way students learn and the way the classroom operates as compared to the traditional setting where the lecture method was mainly used. When students have a classroom that is ICT friendly it motivates them to learn and at the same time creates an atmosphere conducive for learning. Although the classroom spaces we operate in were designed to reflect the traditional, transmissive style of curriculum delivery we can still create space in the classroom for computers, projector, printer, internet access and for group work which will help to initiate a rethinking process by the teacher, leading him/her to re-evaluate how classroom activities and learning experiences work best. Also the anytime, anywhere access to information enables students to engage directly with expert sources when they are needed and the sight, sound, touch experience becomes a powerful motivator in learning.
I am now challenged to go back to my school to create my ideal classroom space and I know it will be a gain for everyone!

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