Saturday 7 December 2013

Reflection on Module 4- Assignment 3

I enjoyed working on assignment 3. After looking at the criteria standard of the unit, I used my experience and knowledge gained from all the work covered from this module to help me with my planning. What worked best for me was taking each section aside; after doing that I was able to carefully assess each criteria standard. This helped me to plan more effectively and it worked out well with time management and the standard of work I put in. Overall, I did my best on the assignment and I'm awaiting my result. 

Reflection on Module 4_Activity 8

In activity 8 there was no request to submit a file. However, we were asked to complete the reading on the activity and then use the information to complete assignment 3. The information gathered from the reading helped me to better identify the criteria standards in assignment 3 which I used to plan my unit successfully. The guiding principles reminded me that ICT correlated outcomes must always be considered in my planning, teaching and learning process. Thus, I will use these strategies to develop more unit of work to enhance the teaching/learning process.

Monday 25 November 2013

Module 4_Assignment 2_ Reflection on Assessment Tool

Assignment 2 challenged my competency and my ability to perform at a high standard. In the assignment results, I fell short of the standard I set for myself and because of this I had to reflect on where I went wrong. Through reflection  and feedback given from the assessor, I was able to see what I did not do to achieve the high grade I wanted for myself.
The saying goes, 'When something pose a challenge you either give it up or practice until you become perfect', I, for one, am going to practice more and more until I become perfect. I am learning so much from this module on assessment and I know it will benefit me greatly in my teaching career.

Module 4_ Activity 7_ Reflection on Giving Feedback

In activity seven we were asked to look at each group member’s work and give feedback on it. I had to be both subjective and objective in my comment. I tried to look at each member’s work and critique it the best way I can using certain assessment criteria. I also got feedback on my work from my colleagues and this was where I had a better approach to see my work through someone else’s view. Through the feedback given, I was able to spot my strengths and weaknesses in relation to my activity and the assessment tool I designed. Overall, it was a learning process for me.

Sunday 10 November 2013

Module 4: Activity 6 (Assessing Information Literacy)

Activity 6 was very easy to complete and I had fun doing it. I chose 6A and use the information presented to design a class activity on Caribbean leaders where students were asked to use google search engine to help them find the answers to selected closed ended questions. In this activity students were assessed on their internet literacy skills .The checklist I designed helped to assess students’ internet research competency and provided feedback based on their performance. Overall, it was a good activity.   

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Reflection on Module 4_Activity 5

Assessment Tool

In this activity most of my colleagues and I misunderstood the activity requirement. However, we were guided as to what was expected of us and clarity of the activity was made by each member. Designing an assessment tool was not difficult to construct but the instruction given was misunderstood and cause confusion amongst many. 
This was a learning experience for me and I really enjoyed constructing my own assessment tool. In future I plan to design many more assessment tools which can help to enhance learning in the classroom and in my teaching career.

Friday 25 October 2013

Module 4: Reflection on activity 4

Assessment Methods

This activity focuses on various important basic principles of assessment.  These assessment principles and methods are used to gather evidence of learners’ work and help to give accurate feedback base on their performances.  In the readings the traditional standards and methods are discussed along with other methods such as; individual assessment, peer assessment, self assessment, group assessment, and many more.  I have learnt that these standards and methods give innovative ways of gathering evidence for assessment and can be done in the form of observation; interviews, open book test, simulation, portfolios, prepare learning materials, and many more. These methods and standards cater for diverse learning intelligence and can be used either with the process or product form of assessment.

I am more appreciative of the experiences gained from completing these activities and assignments. The experiences gained are helping me to become more efficient in my teaching career. I am learning new ways and means to apply myself better in the teaching and learning process, also the learning experiences have brought home to me what I need to do to become a more improved educator.

Module 4: Reflection on activity 3


I found the readings of Howard Gardener's theory of Multiple Intelligence very useful.  It helps to categorize the different levels of intelligence and also the different learning diversity of learners in the classroom and in everyday life. If we were to use one method/ tool to implement in the classroom among the diverse learning style of learners, then there will be problems resulting from this because not everyone learns the same way. As educators Gardener’s theory helps us to employ differentiate teaching method in the classroom to bring about learning.

I know at times, I fail to implement the different teaching strategies which cater for the needs of my students with mixed ability. However, the readings by Gardener and Bloom reminded me that my students are all different and that they don’t always learn the same way. Am also reminded that I should always cater for diversity within my classroom with proper planning, analysis and assessment methods.

This activity helps to reinforce Gardener’s theory of Multiple Intelligence and as an educator I have to address these intelligence levels within my classroom. Therefore, I will implement Gardener’s theory of intelligence into my teaching and learning process. I will review my syllabus and learning outcomes more thoroughly and find ways to execute the intelligence levels suitable for my learners as identified by Gardener.

Sunday 13 October 2013

Module 4: Reflection on Activity 2

At first I looked at the activity and then went on to the readings to get a better idea of where I was going. The readings were based on process and product assessment. In my view both assessment methods are important in the teaching/ learning process. It is good to assess students using the process method which gives a better assessment of the students' work. This approach helps teachers to gather evidence of students' abilities and performances; it diagnoses students' strengths and weaknesses. Teachers can then employ a strategy approach to help students get to the final stage which is the product stage. The Product assessment on the other hand gives an overall evaluation by the teacher of the students’ progress, for example the Common Entrance Examination. At this stage the students are evaluated based on what they have learnt throughout their primary school years and the product assessment’s (Common Entrance) result shows their overall performance.

Module 4: Reflection on Assignment One

As I looked back at the task I had to accomplish in assignment one, I felt confident in the first three steps of the assignment because of the rubrics and other methods I use in my everyday teaching/ learning process. The on-going assessment I employ in Language Arts (Literacy) has helped me to think critically and answer what was expected to be achieved in the assignment. However, I was not as confident in the last section of the assignment, where I had to outline the changes in assessment practice that I think are most important to implement. I honestly thought this part would have been a challenge; however, I was wrong and was able to score full marks on all areas.  

My tutor gave me some positive feedbacks which I used to my advantage and in the end it was worth it. I enjoyed working on assignment 1 and I have gained more knowledge and experience analysing surveys. Overall, it was a good challenge for me.

Module 4: Reflection on Activity 1

In this activity I carried out the survey on assessment methods/ tools with the grade 6 students and one of myself to analyse my teaching methods. After comparing the students' survey to mine, most of the students had a higher result than mine. This revealed that most students thought average or above average of my teaching methods, whereas I seemed to have been quite harsh/ bias with my own survey. This is an indication that my students are aware of the ongoing assessment approaches that I use in my teaching/ learning process. Hence, the  teaching methods I employ are beneficial to my students because they help students develop their critically thinking and learning skills based on the feedback given from the assessment.

Sunday 16 June 2013

Module 3 :Reflection on Assignment 3

I really enjoyed this assignment because of the love I have for constructing lesson plans. As I looked back at the way I used the criteria to work on my assignment I can truely say that I have accomplished my task. I am pleased with my grade on this assignment and I have gained more valuable information on integrating ICT into my teaching and learning process. This assignment have given me the boost that I needed and I know if I teach with the same enthusiasm my students are going to love the activities that I have set out for them. I am so happy for the opportunity given to me to complete this course.

Monday 3 June 2013

Module 3: Reflection on activity 11

In the Initial Stage I was not sure what to do concerning this activity. However, I figured it out and was able to navigate my way around it without help. I created a twitter account but because of my first trial I had to take my time navigating it. While surfing through the site I was able to pick up and learn using the tweet and other comments made by followers. The advantages of using social media is great because they help in developing users self confidence and at the same time educating them on various aspect in life while academically building their learning process. There are several ways in which social media/ network can enhance learning and this can be done through collaboration of ideas. You can use twitter, facebook, Youtube, skype and diigo as PLN (personal learning network) to collaborate which would help other teachers and myself in the process.

Saturday 1 June 2013

Module 3: Relection on activity 10

 The readings that were done in activity 10 focus on social network/ media. The Social media allows me to meet other expert in my industry and gives me an opportunity to research and add my own ideas via the media. Social media provides a platform where we can connect, communicate, support, collaborate and ask and answer questions, also it provides a pathway where we receive and share ideas, resources and experiences, and it helps us solve problems through various exercises / activities and gives us an opportunity to brainstorm together. 

As I reflect on some of the questions asked pertaining to this activity I know that we can be as smart as we want to be depending on our goals and objectives towards a particular task. Smart workers are highly motivated, committed and are dedicated to their work, they have a clear desire to do their job well and aim to improve their performance. Smart workers interface with effective networks for their own self development and for further improved productivity in their place of work. Social media can also be an effective learning tool for engaging with learners and communicating with parents, students and communities. I am now at a stage where I can truly say because of social media/ network, the opportunity is given to me to take part in this online course which requires the use of social network/media.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Module 3: Reflection on assignment 2

 At first when I saw the assignment criteria I was fearful of not doing a  good job on it because of the different criteria I had to used to evaluate each website. However, I read the instruction over and over and discuss with my working partner what is really expected of us to do in order to achieve the task set out before us. I was then able to use the criteria listed to evaluate each website thoroughly and finished my work in due time.
The criteria used for evaluating the websites were very useful because they have taught me to be critical in my observation and use of information. Also the different criteria used, helped me as a teacher to look beyond the information given and to go more in-depth to learn more about the criteria used for evaluating each site found.   

Module 3: Activity 9

Reflection on activity 9

This activity was based on criteria used to evaluate websites. There were four criteria used in the activity and each one serve a purpose. The websites require much reading, evaluation and understanding because they were evaluated on the purpose, accuracy, creditability and bias. This exercise has taught me how to better recognize and understand websites with authentic information and what to look for in each website.I can now use my gained knowledge to critique a wide range of websites found when doing my research.

Thursday 16 May 2013

Module 3: Activity 8

This activity was very easy to construct with the knowledge gained from doing all of the other activities and assignments from this module. Using spreadsheet in the lesson is a good way to grab students’ attention and at the same time get students actively involved in the lesson.  Creating tables, charts/ graphs in excel has now become more of a fun activity than a challenge and with the help of the teacher students will become more comfortable constructing their very own spreadsheet. This software also helps them to organize, calculate, analyze and present data collected with confidence. Also the group’s collaboration in the drop box is very helpful because group members share their lesson plans and ideas with each other and build on each other strengths and weaknesses.

Moduke 3: Activity 7

This activity was based on the use of spreadsheet where teachers’ aim to get students to learn how to create charts/ graphs. The just-in-time approach to learning is also very helpful; this is where tools and skills are introduced for relevant activity. I know students in Grade 5 and 6 are going to benefit greatly from this software program because they have to use spreadsheet to organize, calculate, analyze and present data for their school projects and other activities. I also enjoyed the group discussion where many ideas are shared among teachers. Each day I am gaining more knowledge and my understanding to the different software programs is indeed broadening.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Module 3: Reflection on assignment 1

I am happy to have gotten back my assignment with a good grade. Looking back at the steps I took to the get the assignment completed was not difficult but time consuming. However, I can say that hard work does bring success. As Educators, we sometimes forget the roles that we have to play to bring about learning in the classroom and in everyday life. This assignment has reminded me of the seven roles and how importance each one is in helping our children to succeed. The mediator, the interpreter and designer of learning programmes and materials,  the leader,  the scholar, researcher and lifelong learners, community, citizenship and pastoral, the assessor and the learning area/ subject specialist.
 I mostly like the role of the mediator because my role as a mediator is to understand the needs of my students, acknowledge how learning environment may affect them and find ways and means to solve whatever problems they may encounter. At times it may seem very difficult to accomplish but this course has taught me that anything is possible with the right frame of mind. Hence, I will help my students organize their thought processes and channel them in a meaningful way whenever I see failure written on their faces.  Being better prepared will help me as a teacher to meet the needs of my students and in the long run they will be better equipped with the knowledge gained from it. 
Also the role of an assessor is very important  because his/ her job is to identify the needs of the learners, planning and designing learning programs, tracking learners’ progress and diagnosing and implementing new methods. Not only should educators monitor the learning patterns of their learners but also their own teaching patterns because learners are affected by teaching methods as well as classroom environments and other factors. Therefore, as an assessor my objective is to be on cue with my students performance, noting that assessment is an essential feature of teaching and learning and should continuously be integrated into the teaching and learning process.

Friday 3 May 2013

Reflection on Module 3 (Activity 5)

Activity 5 had much application software to choose from. I like the work that my colleagues presented, especially the newsletter article by Maxim and Chad and the video clipping by Elicia. As for myself, I did something that I was comfortable with. I use Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Publisher to design and plan my activities. Although I use those software programs and enjoyed planning activities with them I would like to try the newspaper article and the video clipping because they had my interest. I am learning so much and I am filled with ideas of what to do in the classroom when teaching ICT.

Reflection on module 3 (activity 4)

Using excel to do activity 4 emanates interest. I always use it to prepare my class record but never master all of its functions properly because of lack of practice. However, while doing the activity I have learnt some new additional information which I had never used before, like the “COUNTIF” function which looks at a specified range; for example, (G5 to G15) the COUNTIF will check each cell in the range against the criterion given after the comma ">79.5%". The brackets and comma are very important. The quote marks ("") are necessary because it has specified more than just a number on its own. Example, =COUNTIF (L5:L15,">79.5 %")

The “=IF” function was not new to me because I use it constantly when preparing my class record. This function can be used to record the students’ competence or not competence, pass or fail. For example, =IF (L5>40%;"competent";"working towards competence")

This exercise has improved my knowledge and ability to use many of the features in spread sheet comfortably. I really like the outline and the steps that were given, which helped excel users and beginners in the activity. I can definitely say I am better able to prepare class records as part of my evaluation and assessment method.

Monday 29 April 2013

Module 3: Reflection on Activity 3

 I find Activity 3 to be a very simple exercise. In part one of exercise 3, word processor software was used and I enjoyed using it to construct activities for my students to do through the use of certain applications. I also liked the different samples of activities that were done by the other teachers.  It was inspiring for me and I got the opportunity to see their work represented through emails, dropbox, or goggle drive. Through the group's collaboration we are able to build on each other strengths and weaknesses and also help each other along the way.

The lesson plan in part 2 of exercise 3 was easy for me because of the numerous lessons I have to plan per week. However, incorporating ICT into lessons will have to be a must, for ICT helps students of mixed abilities to learn better. As teachers we should be aiming to provide learning experiences for our pupils that ultimately lead them to the development of skills and attitudes that equip them to become independent lifelong learners, effective collaborators, efficient workers and capable communicators. I see ICT as a powerful learning tool that, in the hands of confident, capable and creative teachers, can greatly enhance many teaching and learning situations. Effective use of ICT across the curriculum results in significantly increased levels of pupil engagement which in turn raises levels of attainment, particularly with struggling learners.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Reflection on Module 3: (Activity 2)

This activity was not difficult to construct and did not present a challenge, since we are accustomed doing lesson plans and worksheet as part of our teaching/ learning activities. However, the worksheet will help me in my assessment with the students when teaching.

Reflection on Module 3 (activity1)

 I find activity 1 was easy to manipulate because we had on sight instruction from our tutor. I was able to complete the activities without difficulty. However, because of my confidence I did not look over my work and I made a few errors on the assessment form. This has taught me a valuable lesson and in future I will make sure to double check before posting.

Saturday 13 April 2013

Reflection on activity 9: STaR Chart

I find the STaR Chart very relevant. I was able to use it to assess my school’s technology and readiness framework. As compared to the STaR Chart my school is basically at the development tech stage. At this stage the basics have been mastered and we are now at a more developed stage. However, we are at the advanced stage with hardware and connectivity because the school has enough computers to accommodate a 5:1 ratio among students to computers.
The STaR Chart was very useful because when it was compared with my school, it gave a thorough evaluation of the level at which my school is functioning  with ICT readiness. The STaR Chart was a guide use to show where we are as a school in terms of ICT and where we can be in tomorrow’s classroom. However, the chart did not give pointer as to how the school can  be developed to the advance stage. Therefore, the parents, teachers and students can work together to develop the advance stage of ICT school readiness and this in turn will assit in reaching a wider cross-section of the community.      

Thursday 11 April 2013

·  Reflection on activity 8

This activity it mainly focussed on teaching spaces.  Although it is not entirely necessary to wait for ICT to examine our teaching practices, the use of ICT in the classroom could help us to be more effective and better prepare in our teaching and learning practices, assessments whether formative or summative and evaluating our teaching spaces. It is best that teachers arrange their classrooms in such a way to integrate ICT and to facilitate changes. Thinking differently about teaching spaces, the arrival of even one computer in the classroom can have a profound effect on the way students learn and the way the classroom operates as compared to the traditional setting where the lecture method was mainly used. When students have a classroom that is ICT friendly it motivates them to learn and at the same time creates an atmosphere conducive for learning. Although the classroom spaces we operate in were designed to reflect the traditional, transmissive style of curriculum delivery we can still create space in the classroom for computers, projector, printer, internet access and for group work which will help to initiate a rethinking process by the teacher, leading him/her to re-evaluate how classroom activities and learning experiences work best. Also the anytime, anywhere access to information enables students to engage directly with expert sources when they are needed and the sight, sound, touch experience becomes a powerful motivator in learning.
I am now challenged to go back to my school to create my ideal classroom space and I know it will be a gain for everyone!
Reflection on Assignment 2

When asked to choose one of the lesson from the list of lessons to do a critical review, I was not sure where to begin. However, I chose one from the language aspect and broke it down to to get my analysis. First I looked at the assessment criteria  to see which section earns the most marks. After that I got my lesson and did a thorough evaluation on it. I was then able to answer each statement based on my findings in the lesson plan. I use my knowledge gained from assignment 1 to build on my assessment and it had helped to answer each segment of the assignment beautifully. The lesson itself had lots of integration and the use of the mind mapping, word processing and power-point presentation were integrated into the lesson.  It was very effective for the teacher to incorporate those methods into the lesson because  it helped to enhance learning  and students were able to do lots on hands on activities with the computer and the different software programmes used.
 The assignment activity helped me a lot as a teacher and now I can use some, if not all of these ICT teaching strategies when planning my lessons. I can proudly say I am learning and loving ICT more and more each day!

Sunday 7 April 2013

Reflection on activity 7

Doing the activity using PowerPoint presentation was very delightful for me as I use PowerPoint presentation in delivering my lessons on a regular basis. However, I find the reading on activity 7 to be quite a lot and most of it was not really needed for the activity presented. What caught my interest though while reading was the part where changes occurred in stages that ACOT has labeled; for example:  Entry, Adoption, Adaptation, Appropriation, and Invention?
In order to really explain the stages we tackled them in sections, with Entry being the first section. It is important to note that in this stage, instructional technology had already existed, which was text-based with common tools and traditional schooling was firmly in place. ACOT teachers began with little, if any experience using technology, yet most were experienced users of traditional methods and materials. As the teachers moved through these stages, traditional methods were first strengthened by technology and then gradually replaced by more active and engaging learning experiences. The second stage was the Adoption stage. In this stage, the teachers tried to accommodate the new technology, encountering challenges, which were thought to have had an effect on the students’ performance within the classroom; however, the adoption stage did not show an increase or a decrease in students’ performances. It also resulted in student attendance rates being up and reports of discipline problems in the ACOT classrooms were zero to few. The use of ICT has basically changed their classroom environments and they spent most of their time establishing order and learning to use the equipment.
I am in agreement that implementing change in education must include changing teachers’ practices beliefs. This does not mean abandoning beliefs but gradually replacing them with more relevant beliefs shaped by experiences in an altered context. And it is this altered context that may make the difference. When teachers work with colleagues and administrators who actively support fundamental change, there are far greater opportunities for successful growth of new beliefs and practices. Teachers deeply hold traditional beliefs about schooling and the underlying of the institution’s resistance to change. In order to successfully change a teacher’s practice belief, I must start within the classroom, using the ACOT development stages. This method introduces teachers to the ACOT program and gradually makes the teachers, as well as the students more comfortable with the understanding of technology.

Saturday 6 April 2013

Reflection on Assignment 1

As I looked back on assignment 1 and the many challenges that were faced completing it,  I can now say that through trial and errors I have learnt a great deal. The part of the assignment that I liked the most was the survey section where I had to formulate my statements around my hypothesis and then distribute them to the primary schools chosen. All of the teachers contributed positively in answering the Statements and that was a plus on my side. I like the assignment activity a lot even though it was a challenge, I have learnt things that I had forgotten. However,  I had some difficulty with analysing the data thoroughly and that part was a learning process for me.  Although I analysed it according to the requirements it wasn't sufficient  enough and therefore cost me some point. I am proud to say that this ICT course is indeed enhancing my learning skills as a teacher.

Reflection on activity six

 I enjoy the reading done by Mr. Wheeler's on the role of the teacher. I think the article is very informative and it helps to prepare us in the field of ICT (in the classroom and our everyday lives). What stands out most to me in the article is his abstract statement where he mentioned 'teachers need to adapt to change if they are to survive and keep pace with new methods and technologies.’ This is so true because in a developing world like this where technology is on the rampage we have to be prepared. I know too many teachers are comfortable with their old teaching practice and do not see ICT as a better method as compared to their way of teaching and hence it is difficult to get them to think differently where ICT is concern. I know I am one of those teachers who use to complain a lot about too much work, but now I am learning to appreciate the use of technology in my everyday situation/ experiences and what it can do for me especially in my teaching and learning practice. As teachers we need to upgrade ourselves to the use of ICT skills and we will be better able to present and deliver our lessons effectively and in turn the students will benefit greatly because we are their guides. I know with the right attitude toward ICT integration we can make teaching and learning a very successful one.

Monday 25 March 2013

Reflection on Activity 5

In this activity I have gained more insight on computer literacy and the integrated approach. At first I thought as long as persons know how to operate the computer they were considered computer literate. I was so wrong! I am more aware of what computer literacy is right now.  It’s knowing about the history of the computer, its functions (how the computer works, its hardware and software, maintenance and being able to manage programs easily). However, the integrated approach is not separated by itself, it is used by learners to gain computer literacy where students acquire computer skills in a practical or meaningful way, like using the computer to solve problems and also construct their own knowledge through hands on activities and through real life experience.
Even though I do not see myself as computer literate I am going to use the integrated approach to enhance my teaching and learning skills so I can be better equip to deal with the challenges being face in the classroom. Also acquiring more knowledge using the integrated approach will definitely help me to be more computer literate. Therefore, the integrated approach should be included in schools' curriculum at all times as a guide  to help teachers and students in the teaching and learning.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Reflection on Activity 4

I enjoyed the readings on both Vygotsky and Dr. Mitra. I think they were both fabulous pieces of work and will benefit the way we teach our students. I have gained more knowledge on the spontaneous learning strategy and how students actively construct their own knowledge. However, we as teachers have to incorporate these strategies in our teaching and learning situation to help our students reach their goals and objectives.   Although, students go about experimenting, discovering and exploring to find answers, we as teachers must be there to guide, support and give feedback where necessary. We must also link what they know to what is being taught in the classroom and the students understanding will develop more quickly.

This ICT integration course is definitely a challenge, one I am happy to be doing. Constant research and insight to so many different ways of integrating ICT in the teaching and learning in schools will allow me to be more effective and efficient in teaching and delivering of my lessons. In today’s society students are constantly interacting with different ICT tools. Therefore, teachers need to motivate them to use these tools effectively and efficiently to improve their learning skills.

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Self -Activity 4:
                             List of skills and behaviours students learn prior on entering school.

1.             A child on entering school may have learnt various things like:

  •  Speaking his/her home language and knowing the names of objects
  • Being able to identify signs and symbols use in his/ her surrounding.
  • Use sound to interpret the name from which it comes from (e.g. barking, the child interprets it to the sound of a dog.)
  • Wash and clothe himself/ herself without help.
  • Run and play with a ball
  • Use his / her motor skills to scribble on paper
  • Recognize size and shape and can group them to an object.
  • Learn to use a range of technologies like playing games on the computer, turning on and off the television and switching between channels and so on.

2.                         How has the child learnt these things?

       The child may have learnt these things :
  • Through everyday activities and experiences
  • Through socialization ( interacting with peers and with others)
  • Through the media (television shows)      
  • Through observation what goes on in his/ her surrounding and likewise adapt to doing them.
  • Through trial and errors

Monday 11 March 2013

Reflection on  Activity Three

This activity helps me to focus on the many different approaches teachers have to use when teaching. We cannot use the same approach when we are dealing with mixed ability students. Hence, we have to put in place the right planning and preparation when teaching ICT. 
ICT enables learners to function effectively in a technological world; it also provides an opportunity where learners seek way to improve the processing of information to use in their everyday lives. Some students learn better in school with computer- based technologies while some may find it a challenge. We as teachers need to be trained so we can implement what we have learnt in the classroom to help students better understand the concept of ICT and its uses.

This course is not about competition and who is more skilled than whom. It is about sharing, collaborating, team work, communication and growing as a team.  When I read through the article, I focused on the roles of learners and I have learnt so much. Through group participation, active engagement and frequent interaction and feed backs more effective learning had taken place.

Some of my colleagues and I guided each other when we were unsure about something and through our interaction I have grown as a teacher. Therefore, we need to give the same support to our students in the classroom and they too will grow and learn.

I like the mindmeister collaboration mind mapping. It reminded me of a concept map where many different ideas came out from a topic. This activity can be use with the students in my class where they can work and collaborate whatever ideas they have on a given topic.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Reflection: Activity one

After reflecting on the topic in activity one, I can truly say that it is not impossible for a developing nation to compete with developed nations in the field of ICT as long as appropriate training is given to educators and students.

Our first priority must be planning and preparing. If we plan and prepare ourselves in the field of ICT, we will have a better understanding of what is to be done and how to get it done. We can also take the knowledge we gained from our training sessions to educate the students in our schools. In most schools here in St.Vincent, we have a computer lap with several computers and projectors. We also have internet access in all primary and secondary schools where information can be easily accessed at any time. There is also the one net-book per child which the government has given to each student. Therefore, no child can be left behind if we carry out our objectives effectively and efficiently. These factors contribute to our nation being on par with other developed nations in the field of ICT.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Two generation of teachers differences in attitudes towards ICT,

Reflection on activity two

After reading through the article on “Two generations of teachers differences in attitudes towards ICT," by Silvia Ferrero. I now have a new perception of how I see older teachers. Before I used to look at them as not being capable or equipped enough to learn everything they need to know in ICT. I had believed that the younger teachers were the ones with the drive and enthusiasm to perform the task using the necessary skills and knowledge they have learnt in ICT training and courses. 

However, this article has taught me to have an open mind and to think critically. I believe that a lack of professional and technical assistance impedes the progress of the older teachers who are sometimes held to ransom by the more computer literate younger teachers. Research has shown with training and expertise in the ICT skills, older teachers are not as fearful and illiterate as I had thought. Instead they show perseverance and willingness to excel.