Sunday 7 December 2014

Reflection on activity 12 (Students’ support documents)

This activity was the easiest for me because of the experience gained from the other activities. Although I have learnt a lot from all of the other activities, in my opinion, assignment two helped to bring clarity. From assignment two I was able to create all the areas that were needed to complete it. I created at least three students’ support documents to go with the webquest in assignment two.  These documents helped to engage the students while in class and gave them something to work on to help them gain more knowledge.

Reflection on activity 9 (Engaging Roles- Engaged Students)

Although I had difficulty accessing the other websites from the list of sites given, I found the information on ‘Searching for China.’ very informative. After reading and analyzing the site, I stated my own conclusion that the website  introduction was a good one which described China, the people living there and issues relating to China. Looking at the task of the WebQuest, it is built on the objectives that team members had to attain to complete the set of activities set out. Although, the roles focused on diverse perspectives to the issue, they presented a larger aspect to understanding a problem.  The task allowed each member to become an expert on one of the different roles and in turn each member gained knowledge which was used to generate a full report for their team.
Collaboration was shown from team members and it helped the team to complete the set of activities carried out.

In my opinion, the activity was a good one and the author did a fantastic job at putting the information together.

Reflection on activity 8 (Creating webquests)

In activity 8, we were asked to design our own webquest and I really enjoyed working on my first webquest. During this activity I came up with an introduction, a scenario to get the students interest activated, the process which helped to guide the students of the activities in which they were to complete, the resources which provided links to get information, an assessment evaluation form and conclusion. Using all the steps mentioned above have helped me tremendously with my webquest. I have gained knowledge and understanding and can guide others in creating their own and other webquests.

Sunday 30 November 2014

Reflection on module 6 (Activity 7)

In this activity Collin and I worked together to critique the webquests on elementary phase. In our view we chose the two best samples because of the characteristics they possess. In our strategy, we carefully examined the steps in the webquests and then evaluate each. After doing so we shared our point of view on what we had gathered from our readings. 
I have learnt the essence of collaborative work and by working together we completed our task faster. The webquests were not difficult to evaluate and we were able to grasp the objectives of the activity at the  end.  

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Reflection: Module 6 Assignment one

In assignment one, I looked carefully at the assignment requirements and then the scoring rubric. I also used the action plan I was working on to help me with most of the activities on the assignment. For the section on goals that part was easy because for project base learning there were quite a few goals that I set out for myself.
However, for the challenges I had to reflect carefully on which area of project base learning was the most difficult. I used my experiences with working with my students on project base learning and I also did some researches on challenges encountered using project based learning. I selected three challenges of my choice to use in the selected section of the assignment.

For the other sections I took my time and carefully examined each aspect. Doing this has helped me tremendously and I got through ahead of time. I was able to get feedback from my tutor which helped me to improve on some areas. Overall, I think I did a good job. What I learnt from this is that anything can be achieved with the right attitude.

Reflection on module 6 Activity 5 Framing Questions

In order to complete this activity correctly I went back to the link giving by the tutor., ( These links on the different types of questions in the activity have helped me to achieve my task. I was able to interpret each one more meaningfully. I then put into practiced what I have learnt. The following framing questions helped me to construct my questions correctly.

Essential Questions:
                The essential questions generally spark curiosity and allow students to be engaged in meaningful discussions. They also require higher order thinking skills.

Unit Questions:
                 The unit questions assist in answering essential questions. They help the students to construct their own meaning from the information gathered. This in turn requires higher order thinking skills. The questions used are generally based on the objectives of the project.

Content Questions:
                The content questions answer the definition and deals with identification and generally record of information that was gathered. These questions also assist in answering the unit questions which are generally base on facts.

My intake from all this is that reading and understanding concepts must be number one priority to achieve any given task and because of this it has helped me to construct the framing questions comfortable. In this activity learning has been achieved.

Friday 24 October 2014

Reflection on Activity 4 (Project detail)

This activity was such a fun one for me. At first, I could not decide which project I wanted to use for my project detail write up, but eventually I chose the one that my students had the most fun with. I was able to use my project outline from that to construct my project detail and it really worked out well for me. I was also able to get feedback from my tutor and colleagues which helped to improve it overall.
What I have learnt from this exercise is feedback is necessary because it helps to improve your areas of weaknesses and also helps develop yours strengths as an individual.

Reflection on module 6 activity 3

In activity three we were asked to think of a project we have recently taught or participated in and described briefly in one paragraph the project and how it can be improved based on the characteristics of a successful project.
In this activity, I chose food as the topic because food plays a very significant part in our lives. The students also did a project in class where they used their process skills to investigate, interview, experiment and create an awareness of the importance of proper food storage.  They wanted to test the hypothesis that mould grows more quickly in warm conditions than in cold. Based on their investigation, interviewing, and experimenting they came up with the conclusion that mould grows more quickly in warm condition than in cold.

Through class and group discussions, the students thought that the project can be improved by making the public aware of the important of proper food storage so they created posters, brochures, had panel discussion on the importance of food and ways in which contamination of food can be lessened. They passed out the posters and brochures in the community and invited community members to share in the panel discussions at the school. Through this the public were enlightened on the importance of food preservation.

Reflection on Activity 2 of module 6 (Benefits of project base learning)

Based on my own research carried out on the benefits of project base learning I have learnt some of the followings:
·         project base learning helps to increase motivation
·         develop students’ academic gains
·         improve higher-order thinking and creative skills
·         increase collaboration
·         enhance growth in self- direction
·         it provides opportunities where all students benefit

Other Studies have  indicate that in project based learning, students are more involved in their learning and provides a variety of advantages such as gaining better understanding and ideas about a concept rather than being told about it. It also allows for greater retention of learning because of hands on experiences.

Knowing all of these benefits I am more aware of the vast of knowledge and experience students can gain from working through project base learning. Therefore, my goal is to provide the opportunity where students can be actively involved.

Module 6 Introduction Activity (Reflection)

I found the introduction activity to be a very interesting one. Each participant shared some information on the school, subject and the grade in which he/she teaches. I learnt through this information that some of us have experiences in doing project base learning while others do not. However, through the reading from my colleagues I am quite confident that this module will help all of us to become more competent in integrating project base learning into our teaching and learning process. I know with the guidance of our tutor, Mrs. Avery, we will all learn the desire goals we set for ourselves.

Thursday 18 September 2014

Module 8_ Assignment 3 (Managing Learning and Teaching with ICT)


Looking back at the activities in this module has caused me to reflect on my own experience as a teacher. There are so many things that I have learnt from this course. I have learnt how to incorporate these technology enhancements into my teaching/learning process.  
                Learning about the pros and cons, the strategies used to effectively enhance learning in the classroom and the rules that apply to each of them has helped me tremendously. Although, I was actively involved in the discussions and the group’s collaboration, what stood out the most was using what I have learnt in assignment one, two and three but especially in three. Here is where I gained a much better understanding of the concepts taught. Through various researches on the different technology enhancement I was able to put my understanding to use and was able to complete my assignment on time.  

                I am not really sure how I am going be graded and what my result will be, but I do know that learning has definitely taken place where I am concern. Through ICT technology enhancement, my understand of most concept taught in this module has been broaden. 

Wednesday 17 September 2014

Module 8- Activity 10 (Flipped Classroom)

Based on the activity I did on flipped classroom, my understanding of it is; it is use to enhance learning in a new, and creative way. In the flipped classroom it provides opportunities where students view a lecture, discussion or video that is created by the instructor and posted online. The distinctive lecture and homework component of a course are reversed. Instead short video lectures are viewed by students at home before class session, and class time is devoted to exercise, project or discussions. In the flipped classroom it is more students centered, while the teacher sit and listen and act as a guide. In the flipped classroom students interact with each other in an engaging way. They formulate questions, answers and create notes from the online material posted by the teacher. Activities are more student-led and communications among students are more devoted to learning through hands-on work. This technology enhancement in itself gives rise to students becoming actively involved in their own learning.

Module 8- Activity nine (Cell phone gripes and debate)

In reflection on activity nine which looked at my gripes of cell phones in the classroom and cell phone debate, I believe that students of the primary, secondary and tertiary level in St.Vincent and the Grenadines need to be fully train about its use, and how to be responsible users in the learning environment in order for such implementation to effectively take place. If training is not put in place I can see many problems arising in the learning environment which could affect how students learn. Some of these reasons are:
·         Distraction arising in class due to loud ring type and also the use of social network in class on cell phone when not to, which may affects the teaching/learning process.
·       Another problem is students not being able to interact with the phone properly causing problems in  receiving the information required in the learning activity.
·         If teachers do not provide proper supervision, students may use the phone to surf inappropriate websites which does not relate to the learning outcome.
·         If teachers are not trained in using these devices then, it can affect the teaching/learning process. Time will be wasted in learning to use it to teach, instead of smooth running of the teaching/learning activities.
·         If classroom rules is not put in place and act upon, students may store answers to questions on their phone that may come on their test and may use the phone during exam time to get the answers.

I personally believe that we are not ready to integrate cell phones into the teaching, learning process unless proper training is done with the teaching staff, parents and students. 

Friday 12 September 2014

Module 8_ Activity 8 (E-Safety Policies)

As I looked back at this activity, I was reminded of the many safety rules and measures that we teachers have to safe-guard to ensure safety is carried out while our students are on cyberspace. In researching and designing the school e-safety policies in the activity, I reflected on my own experience of teaching a lesson with e-safety. That lesson helped me to carefully examine my role as a teacher and my aim to help safe-guard my students from cyberspace. In order for my aim to be successfully achieved, I came up with these school e-safety policies. They are:
• Students should be taught responsible behavior and protection while online.
• The principal delegates’ responsibility to staff on teaching e-safety rules/messages to all students.E• Students should be supervised at all times when using the internet.
• Students should have a clear and defined educational purpose for their search.
• Access to blocked sites for educational purposes should be implemented by the ICT coordinator to ensure safety.
• Pupils should be aware that the use of the internet is for the purpose of the teaching/learning process and not personal agenda.
• The use of social networking (facebook, messenger, skype) should be prohibited for learner of a certain age group.

If these policies are effectively carried out, then our students will be safe from the dangers of cyberspace and this will help them to communicate and collaborate information better.

Module 8 _Activity 7: Managing Tablets in the classroom

I really enjoyed working on this activity especially where we had to debate on the advantages and disadvantages of using tablet in the teaching learning process. There are several strong reasons why the use of these devices will help enhance students’ learning, and in my opinion some of the most powerful ones are as follow:

1. They can be used as a e-reader, thus loading the e-book onto each child's tablet and let them have easy access to the different types of books available. This will help enhance their reading skills and build their vocabulary skills.

2. Tablet fit student's lifestyles, they are thin, lightweight, and spring to life without delay, making them much easier to take and use in class. This in itself lend to students being provided with the necessary tool needed to enhance their ICT skills.

3. They are the greatest way to illustrate textbooks and students have direct access to descriptions, videos, activities and other content areas.

4. They are used to make presentations, use as a communication tool, they display creativity, and are used as a research tool and for noting taking.

Although great benefits can be derived from using tablet in the classroom as a learning tool, not everyone will agree with this. Some may think that the tablet hardly have any impact of how students learn and may quote some of the disadvantages below.

·          Tablets generate more classroom management issues for teachers.

·         The costs of the tablets are too expensive and do not worth the value in education they provide.

·         Most app on the devices relies mainly on a consistent internet connection in order to work.

In viewing all of the pros and cons, I conclude that using tablet as a learning resource in classrooms will definitely have more advantages than disadvantages on our students learning outcome. 

Module 8 (Activity 6): Pros and Cons of one to one learning with ICT

In this activity I learnt a great deal about the pros and cons of one to one computing with ICT from my colleagues’ online researches and discussions. These discussions and researches have helped me to differentiate between the other technology enhancements pros and cons. Some of the points that stood out the most in the pros and cons are:

  •  It encourages students to develop the skills needed to improve their performance.
  • It allows students to develop their oral communication skill.
  • It allows students to work at their own pace.
  •  It caters for the slow learners.
  •  Students will be responsible for their own learning.

  •      It can be time consuming.
  •      It requires effective planning.
  •      It would not be beneficial to all students because of the mixed ability
  •      It will be too expensive to maintain and service all the computers.
  •      Some students might be frustrated if they are not getting through
     After completing this activity, my aim is to use all the information gained from it to help me enhance my ICT skills and attitude. Also, to help develop my learner's competency in using one to one learning with ICT to boost their confidence and overall goal.

Monday 1 September 2014

Reflection on Module 8_ Assignment 2

 I have completed this assignment ahead of time and was able to get positive feedback from my tutor which helped me to improve my work. At first, it was my option that the sound track and the movie maker would pose a challenge, especially where it mentioned the production of a sound track of my voice and play it to record with the presentation at the same time. This was new to me but after viewing my tutor’s feedback, I was able to successfully complete all that was expected of me. This assignment has definitely been a learning process and I hope that my result for this assignment shows my competence at getting the work done. 

Monday 25 August 2014

Reflection on Module 8_ Assignment one

As I reflected on this assignment and the feedback I received from my assessor I must  admit that it has helped me to evaluate myself better in the way I present my work. I especially liked the way he used the checklist to be objective and subjective. In so doing, I realized as a teacher that I  too have to applied myself to be objective and subjective to my students when assessing them and giving feedback on their performances. 
In the assignment I used lots of arguments to support my reasons. However, some of them were for low density lab instead of high density lab. This has caused me to think about my research skills and how thorough I view them. Therefore, in future I plan to be more thorough and effective in my search for information. In this way I will be more successful in my result.

Module 8 Activity 5 Reflection on (The learning Lab)

Upon reflection of this activity I have gained some valuable information on the use of white boards.  I have learnt that interactive white boards are like conventional whiteboards which can even help technophobic teachers to deliver their lessons with just a touch of the screen. This in itself lends to better presentation of lesson delivery and easier access to information right at your fingertip. Although I have no experience using interactive white boards, I have learnt through research and discussions from the group’s activity that interactive white boards help in broadening the use of e-learning because they rapidly demonstrate the potential of alternative modes of delivery. They make it easy for teachers to enhance presentation content by easily integrating a wide range of material into a lesson, such as a picture from the internet, a graph from a spreadsheet or text from a Microsoft Word file, in addition to student and teacher annotations on these objects. Interactive white boards allow teachers to create easily and rapidly customized learning objects from a range of existing content and to adapt it to the needs of the class in real time. They also allow learners to absorb information more easily and help learners to participate in group discussions by freeing them from note-taking. Learners are also given the opportunity to work collaboratively around a shared task or work area using interactive white board as their learning tool. However, with technology there can be problems encountered. One of the problems that can arise is the surface getting damaged resulting in necessitating expensive replacement. Also, if multiple data entry is allowed, inputs can get jumbled, resulting in on-screen gibberish. If remote access is allowed, some users may be tempted to send disruptive comments or drawings to the screen.

After looking at the pros and cons of interactive white boards, it is my belief that interactive white boards have more positives than negatives.  Hence, if the school has to embark on installation of an interactive white board to enhance its development, I would be among the first to receive training on its use. 

Thursday 7 August 2014

Module 8: Reflection on Activity 4 (One Computer Classrooms)

In this activity I was selected to work with three other members from my group to complete our posting to the wiki web page. We were all asked to work together on different aspects of it. Hence, I did my research and contacted another colleague to make sure we were on target. I then posted my version to the wiki webpage.

On completion of this activity I have learnt that sometimes working together can have positive outcome and at times negative outcome, especially if group members do not work collaboratively to achieve the given tasks. This exercise has definitely impacted on me as a student doing this course and as a teacher. It helped me to see that as teachers we must set the pace for our students to follow and it is very important that when working together we must all do our part to ensure that complete success is carried out. 

Module 8: Reflection on Activity 3 (Learning Labs)

While working on this activity, I have reflected on earlier periods in life where the uses of ICT in schools were not present in the teaching learning process. Today, the integrations of Learning Labs in schools have made it possible for teachers and students in the Caribbean to be on par with other developing countries.  These labs have helped tremendously in developing our learners’ competencies and helped them to access information readily at their own convenience.

In completing the activity on learning labs I have learnt a great deal of valuable information through various researches and from discussions held by my colleagues.  Some points stood out most from these researches and discussions by addressing the pros and cons of learning labs. These pros and cons will help aid the development of the teaching learning process.
  • Each student has a machine to work with which help in his/her learning process.
  • Learning labs allow for differentiating instructions which give a variety of options to help students successfully reach targeted standards.
  • They serve diverse academic interest and are not focused on specific topics or areas of study.
  •  Students are given the opportunity to work collaboratively on given tasks.

Although there are several benefits from learning labs problems can also derive which may include:
  •  Lack of supervision (not enough teachers to monitor students.)
  • Students visiting inappropriate websites.
  • Limited access as a shared resource.(The learning lab may not be available because it is often shared by other classes.)
  • They generally do not lend themselves to rearrangement which can be frustrating for teachers and students.
  •  It portrays that technology is removed from the classroom which sends the message that technology is separated from what students is learning in the classroom and may hinder the learning process.  

Monday 4 August 2014

Module 8: Reflection on Activity 2 (Classroom Management with ICT Integration

The activity on classroom management with ICT integration has caused me to reflect on several things. I reflected on earlier experiences I had when I first started integrating ICT into my lessons. I must state that at the beginning I encountered few problems with classroom management where students were doing their own things like surfing unsafe sites, having their own conversations in class on different matters beside the lesson, and chatting with friends online. After those experiences, I have learnt to plan more effectively to ensure that my students were actively involved and learning took place among all my students. I also ensured that all rules and regulation were followed and equipments were made readily available for my lesson delivery. In so doing, I turned my classroom into a teaching, learning environment where students interacted well with my approaches in using technology.

Therefore, I must state that classroom management with ICT integration must be well planned and executed in order for learning to take place among students. 

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Module 8: Activity one (Reflection on Principles of Classroom Management)

I really enjoyed completing the activities in activity one. At first it was a learning process for me to set up my own wiki account and getting familiar with the features of it. After doing so, I did the readings on classroom management and put my interpretation of it into practice. I then used the wiki page where I edited it by inserting my own version to the discussion. This was fun for me because I saw the other comments added by the group members, where I also added more to information where it was deemed necessary .  
In another activity, I also made comments on the experiences I had with ICT integration into the teaching and learning process. It was good to share how I viewed the new experiences I have, with ICT integration, and re-encountered old experiences, both with ICT integration and without, into my teaching and learning processes. 

Friday 18 July 2014

Module 8

At the start of this module we had to introduce ourselves to the new tutor Mrs. Avery. This part of the activity was very straight-forward and simple. The introduction aspect also helped me to  know a bit about the other learners taking part in the module.

Saturday 21 June 2014

Activity 11: Using digital resources in the classroom

In the environment project clean up; activity 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 were well executed. This is because the students were motivated and showed enthusiasms towards the school environment clean up. They compared the materials found from observation to confirm their prediction and were able to achieved mostly all the objectives planned for the sets of activities. However, activity 6 was not well executed because some students had difficulty maneuvering Microsoft publisher software and did not get to finish the poster design on time. This however made me aware of students’ competencies at creating and designing posters. In the future I will give the students who had difficulty more practices at poster designs so they will be better equipped to handle other given tasks which require the use of brochures or poster designs. 

Tuesday 20 May 2014

Module 5 (Activity 5a: Exploring Websites Resources)

In today’s modern technology there are so many useful tools that can be used to help make teaching so much easier. The websites offer online provide a variety of useful teaching resources for students, teachers and parents. Before these resources came into existence teachers rely mainly on books to get their information. Now with different software made available for the different subject areas; teachers, students and parents can be on par with other countries who are advancing. The websites below are just a few I use to help me enhance my teaching, learning process and can be used with students from Grade K to 8.  (This website caters for a variety of different subject areas such as Language Arts, Science, mathematics and more. It offers games, activities, worksheet, workbooks, articles, Science fair and more. However, to be a user you have to sign up to get in on the site.  (Mathisfun software is a very useful software. It provides a variety of topics in which users can benefit from. Some of the topics highlighted are data, geometry, algebra, numbers, measurement, etc. The software also has games, a dictionary, worksheet and activities in which users can practice from. ( makemegenius website provides useful resources for K1 to K8 (year 5 to 12.) There are videos on Science for Kids, cool facts, educational Power-Point, Jokes for kids, see and learn videos and Science test, Quiz and questions.     (This site is one I use a lot with my students because it caters for kids, teens, parents and educators. It also has a lot of useful material to work with. For example, video clipping, activities, quizzes, word find and an article with an audio player which reads the content offered.)

Tuesday 29 April 2014

Module 5- Reflection (Activity 3b Software Review in Blog)

The Criteria constructed in activity 3a was very meaningful and effectively used in the delivery of educational software in the activity. I have learnt from the criteria that when looking at educational software, there are several benefits that can be derived. For example, the introduction provided should aid the learning outcomes in ways that are directly relevant and useful to the learners. The language level of the software should be user friendly, informal, welcoming and accessible.  The information presented should be up-to-date and the activities displayed should be related to the learning outcomes. Also the material presented should be suitable for the intended audience.

The criteria’s descriptions help us to better identify the types of software that are useful and unambiguous and help us to avoid the type of software that are unsafe and irrelevant for ourselves and our learners. If we follow the above mentioned criteria when looking or using educational software our job will become much easier and our learners will be better equipped with the materials presented to them in the software.

Monday 28 April 2014

Module 5( Reflection on Activity Two Educational Software)

The integration of educational software in the teaching-learning process is very beneficial to all of us. These software provide opportunities where users can access information readily at any given time. Some of the information found on these websites are up to date and correct while some are not.

 I use several softwares to enhance my teaching styles/strategies and to improve my understanding of certain concepts before I deliver the content to my learners. I also share some of these software with my learners so they can research information needed for educational purposes, do follow-up activities as practices, play educational games and even be tutored online. These software provide opportunities where my students and myself can be on par with other students and teachers globally. 

Monday 21 April 2014

Module 5: Reflection on Activity one (The Value of Social Bookmarking)

I must say using Diigo  is new to me. I am still navigating my way around it to get familiar with its content and usage. I realize that at times I may encounter problems but with time I hope to become better at bookmarking and using Diigo to access, store, share and organize information found.
I know social bookmarking is also a fantastic way to gather, save and share websites, information or resources online with a community of people. This also provides opportunities for me to access information easily and readily and helps me to learn about new and innovative ideas from others. I hope to share what I learn with my other colleagues at school.
I must also say that my new tutor Fiona is very organize and helpful. She demonstrated the process of setting up a diigo account through a video presentation. This was very helpful to us as teachers who are beginners. Great job Fiona!

Here is my blog address and Diigo account:


Friday 11 April 2014

Reflection on Module 1 Assignment three

In assignment three we were asked to plan a lesson in which  a questioning strategy was to be implemented, the way learners' thinking skills were developed and the way technology was integrated in support of both the questioning strategy and development of thinking skills. In this assignment I used what I have learn from some of the activities  in the module to help me with the questioning strategies in the assignment. The information found was helpful especially in the questioning strategies and the learners' thinking skills. I also used the contrast strategy to compare the lesson to how it was taught before the integration of ICT and evidently the use of technology has a more positive effect on the learners as compared to other teaching methods like the lecture method and the chalk and talk method of teaching. In the assignment I was also mindful to stick to the word limit and to read carefully what was expected in the completion of the assignment. Overall, I believe I did all that was expected of me and now I am just awaiting my result.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Reflection on Module one activity 12: (Problem Solving Skills)

In activity twelve I looked at the topic ‘Deforestation’ and the damaging effects it has on the environment. I used the problem solving strategy to get students to participate in the class and group’s discussion. The students also used their research skills to research on the topic. Through discussion and sharing of ideas, the students came up with solutions to the problem. The problem was then identified and addressed and the students were made aware of the damaging effects of deforestation and they also created a public awareness of the importance of the forest and why it should be conserved. Overall, the activity was a good one.

Reflection on Module one activity 11: Encourage Learners to Ask Questions

Looking back on activity eleven was such an inspiring one; the reading gave me a lot of insight on how I can use compare and contrast to stimulate thinking. In the activity I represented to my group, the students were actively involved in hands-on- activity and were making comparison from the different mixtures carried out to test which is miscible and immiscible. Lots of questioning strategies and thinking skills were also employed which helped students in their critical thinking.

                This activity enhanced my questioning skills/ strategies. It also helped me in my organizing and planning skills for other activities which was done effectively. The activity boosted my self confidence and equipped me with the necessary skills needed to enhance my teaching, learning process. Also, I got my students to start thinking, comparing and contrasting ideas, especially when I used pictures, juxtaposed or experiment.

Sunday 16 March 2014

Reflection on Module one activity 10 (Promoting discussion)

In activity ten I have learnt that a discussion is more than an ordinary conversation. It is where people talk about a serious topic with the intention of improving their knowledge, understanding or judgment. In order to improve on discussion the participants must talk to others truthfully, listen to others with an open mind, and respond to what others say with respect.
The activity has helped me to see that my role in a discussion should not be the one taking over the discussion but to listen more than I speak and allowing the learners to talk and expand on their ideas. Also to encourage speakers to look at the person they are talking to and allowing them to feel confident about the points they are addressing and to keep them focus on the learning task. If they need any clarification my role is to explain things they do not know and if possible demonstrate things for them.  My role also is to guide their learning by asking questions to help enhance interactive discussion at all times.
Knowing these things that contribute to discussions help me to assess whether a genuine discussion has taken place by asking the following questions:

  • Did the learners talk to one another?
  • Did they listen to each other?
  • Have they responded to what others said?
  • Have they considered different viewpoints?
  • Have they shown development of knowledge, understanding or judgment
This activity has helped me improved on my discussion strategies and it has enhanced my teaching learning process. As the quote say, "A philosopher who is not taking part in discussions is like a boxer who never goes into the ring."

Sunday 9 March 2014

Module one activity 9: (What questions do I asked and why?)

I enjoyed the readings and the exercise in activity nine. It was a reinforcement exercise for me because I have been using the Bloom’s Taxonomy and applying it in writing and asking of questions for some time now. The table of specification is very beneficial to all of us because this is where we apply it to evaluate our students’ base on performances or weaknesses. In today’s classroom the types of questions we asked should cater for open and close ended and should promote students’ learning.  Hence, I use the table of specification when constructing my questions to help me:
  •   know if my students understand
  •    test memory
  •  challenge students
  • encourage sharing of ideas
  •  stimulate students’ interest
  •    promote critical thinking
  • encourage sharing of ideas

These different levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy are applicable to learning and encourage critical thinking in my teaching, learning process; thus, I refer to them quite a lot.
  • Recall  - asking learners to remember information they have previously learnt e.g. Who? What? When? Where? etc.
  •  Comprehension - asking pupils to make sense of something - especially in their own words e.g. what does the writer mean? Say it in your own words.
  •  Application - asking learners to understand something and then apply it to a new situation e.g. what is important about this? What can we learn from this? How is this related to...?
  •   Analysis - asking learners to break something down into parts, understand the nature of those parts and how they relate to each other e.g. What are the features of? Compare and contrast. What evidence can you find for...?
  • Synthesis - asking learners to build or create new ideas by incorporating many bits of information. E.g. What would you predict from...? What ideas can you add to...? What might happen if you...? What solutions can you suggest for...?

Tuesday 4 March 2014

Module One: Reflection on Assignment two

In assignment two we were asked to explain how two principles of cognitive development is applied in the classroom to make learning more meaningful for learners. I have chosen Vygotsky’s and Piaget’s principles because both principles have impacted on me effectively. I used the principles to extract from students what they know and build on that knowledge to encourage learning. I also applied the principles through class and group’s discussion and presentation to heighten students self esteem. The principles also helped me to learn from my students because they were actively involved in hands on activities and interacting with each other to arrive at a conclusion to the problem. These principles have taught me to allow students to discovery learning for themselves with me being a guide rather than telling them.

Module One: Reflection on Activity 8 (Piaget theory of Cognitive Development)

The work of Piaget has influenced my teaching in a number of ways, his principles and theories have worked tremendously with students of all levels. In the classroom the students are all different in the way they think and perform so knowing the development stages of my students and how they think and rationalize information helped me as a teacher to plan effectively to meet those needs. At times, we teachers fail to note the different stages in our students and therefore become frustrated when we cannot reach them but taking the students level of development into consideration is very important. When we take their stages of development into consideration we will be better able to work with what we know to enhance learning within the students. Piaget also looked at assimilation and accommodation and this principle is an effectively strategy that can bring about changes in the teaching learning process. I have learnt to take what the students know about a concept and guide them into making the connection for themselves using assimilation and accommodation as my guide. These strategies are enhancing my teaching styles and helping me to become a better teacher.

Module One: Reflection on Activity 7 (Collaborative Learning)

In this activity the main focus was on cooperative learning and how learners learn through group’s collaboration. I have learnt that cooperative learning helped to enhance teaching and learning with ICT if teachers plan effectively to meet the needs of the students. Students learning are also enhanced through group’s activities such as group’s project, science experiment, group’s presentation and many more.

Cooperative learning is a good strategy to use in the teaching learning process because it fosters socialization skills among students and students are given the opportunity to learn from each other while working together.  Students learn to listen to each other, share ideas, and express themselves openly and creatively. Cooperative learning also allows scaffolding to take place and making the students’ workload more manageable and the educator then acts as a guide.

Saturday 15 February 2014

Reflection on Module 1: Activity 6 (Vygotsky’s Understanding of Cognitive Development)

Based on what I have read on social-cognitive learning theory, it deals with learning based on the idea that knowledge is constructed by the more capable others (individuals who are equipped with the relevant knowledge based on mental activity.) For example, experts, teachers, coaches, etc.
According to Vygotsky’s theory, in order for learning to take place, the child must socialize with the use of instructional tools such as mentors, peers, computers, or anything that applies to learning. Vygotsky also believes in the importance of an appropriate environment in shaping the child, his theory claimed that children must use language to communicate with others before they can focus inward on their own thoughts. He argued that private speech represents an early transition in becoming more socially communicative.
In the teaching and learning process, I use Vygotsky’s theory to integrate the use of ICT in my teaching. I make good use of the ICT tools to help enhance my teaching learning process by involving students in the activities set out for them. Students are using the computer to research information; complete follow up activities online, type documents, demonstrate presentation using PowerPoint  and much more. An audio player is also integrated into my teaching learning process at times to cater for the students who are auditory learners. They listen to sound of characters performing, or stories being played, and sometimes they use it to record performance during class activities. This way the different learners are being included in the activities, thus learning takes place. Students also learn to verbalise with each other through class discussion, group work, peer tutoring, etc.  Dramatization also plays an important part in helping students to move away from dependency to independence. Through dramatization students learn the concept brought out by the different characters played. It also strengthens students’ dialogue with each other whether in a play, scene, or a particular event which help to bring out the main concept of whatever topic was displayed.
 I also learnt from the readings on Vygotsky’s work that the home, the community and a more experienced person help to mentor the child. It is through their assistance that knowledge is constructed by the child because of what the child sees, hears, touches, feels etc. Everything the child socialises with is processed internally and then learning is transferred.

Monday 10 February 2014

Module 1: Activity 5 (Developmental Psychology)

In this activity I have learnt so much about caring for my learners and their developmental psychology. I have learnt that their physical, social relations, emotional development, personality development, moral development and their cognitive ability play a very significant part of shaping who they become. Knowing the factors that contribute to developmental psychology in our children help us to better identify with them and find solutions, help aid the issues, and address them.
I’ve also learnt that working along with the school, the community and the students, holistically, contributes to the child’s development, not only psychologically, but also mentally and builds self esteem.
The family is the most important key in the development of a child, along with other role models in the community, or the child’s life. They help to shape the child’s morals and values, assists them in decision making and overall development.
Together, with teachers and the community, parents are able to guide their children along the path to proper psychological development.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Module 1: Reflection on Assignment one

I really enjoyed working on assignment one. The readings I did on the different theorists have helped me tremendously to answer each section of the assignment to the best of my ability. The last time I did any major work on the different theorists was at Teachers’ College where I was pressed with lots of work and deadlines to meet.  Reading over the work on the different theorists has helped me to have a better understanding of the different strategies they employed to enhance teaching and learning in the classroom.
                In the classroom today, we are faced with diverse learning styles among our students. These students come from different culture and different background and they challenge us in so many ways. Hence, knowing our students help us to better identify with each one. Learning the methods/approaches used by the different theorists helped me to address my students’ interests and needs because now I know what to look for.
When I now started teaching I would deal with ill- disciplined students by punishing them or sending them to the principal’s office to be dealt with, but now I realized that students can be reached easily with the right approach. While an approach will work for some, others may find it challenging, hence Piaget’s and Skinner’s theories in this assignment have worked well with the diverse learning styles of my students.
On reflection, I can truly state that this assignment has helped me to reflect on my past teaching style and the new approaches I implemented to bring about changes and successes in my teaching, learning process.

Module 1: Reflection on Activity 4 - Behaviourism

In activity four it focused on behaviourism in children’s and how these behaviours are often influenced by what they have observed. In the readings on behaviourism I have learnt that the motivation to repeat behaviour is linked to rewards and punishments. Therefore, I implemented ‘Skinner’ theory to enhance my teaching learning process. In my classroom, I use Skinner’s behavioral theory mainly to maintain discipline among my students. I also use his positive reinforcement strategy such as giving stickers, a smile, free time, and praises etc as rewards for discipline in my classroom.      
Skinner also advocated negative reinforcement. In the negative reinforcement the response or behaviour was strengthened by stopping, removing or avoiding a negative outcome. This strategy also helped because the students were made aware of the consequences that can happen when they tease another student; laugh at someone because he or she may feel more superior than them and by bullying another peer.
Both strategies are useful in the teaching learning process because students are being rewarded for the good behavior they employ and are made aware of the consequences of negative behaviour and the damage they can execute to another peer who is not up to the class standard.
This activity has taught me that behaviourism is part of the learning process and using the right strategies help students’ learning and discipline/ behaviourism to be improved tremendously.

Monday 27 January 2014

Module 1 : Activity 3 - Social Cognitive Theory

Looking back at activity three question, 'What have your learners' reactions taught you about learning and teaching?', this question set me to reflect on the past and the present  in my teaching career. I remembered as a young teacher I too had many challenges that I was unsure about and I even became overwhelmed and discouraged at times. Today, as I looked at my teaching and learning strategies and how my learners’ reactions have helped me, I can truly confessed that I have come a long way. I have learnt that they model what I do and say and if I want a positive reinforcement I have to set the pace for them to follow.  I began by being a good listener, I listen while my student speaks and never talk out of turn. I gave my students the opportunity to be the teacher where they expressed their point of views and shared their opinions as a teacher. I continue to model good mannerism and attitude because I expect them to develop these traits.

Today, looking at my students’ reactions I can tell if my teaching strategy is working or if I need a different approach to reach them. Therefore, as a teacher I have to possess the qualities I expect my students to follow and model from. Hence, what I do and say determine the outcome of my learners.

Module 1: Activity one (What is learning?)

In activity one we look at what is learning and, from my stand point, learning is never ending because every day we live, we learn. It may be as simple as tying one’s shoe to building on a new word. In the classroom I look at learning as the receiving of information and building of what is received to develop oneself. However, a teacher’s job goes beyond what is expected of him or her because she has to learn the information and then present it to the class and in turn help students to be creative, open-minded, critical in their thinking and motivated to go beyond what is expected of them.

During my teaching career I have learnt so much from my students and the things I have learnt have helped me to be a better teacher. I have learnt that students have diverse backgrounds and abilities and knowing what each student is like helps the teacher to relate to each child. Continuous learning takes place every day and we can never be too old to learn.

Sunday 19 January 2014

Module 1: Activity 2- Information Processing

Activity 2 readings are centered on the work of Piaget, Atkinson and Shiffrin. The ideas about schema, and Piaget’s introduction of the processes of assimilation and accommodation. These theories are all useful concepts in the information processing approach. Hence, the information processing theory is based on comparing the functioning of the mind to another, for example, a computer. Like-wise what we store in the mind will be recalled at one time or another. The theory proposes that people process information in much the same way as a computer does. It uses ideas about the input of information, the manipulation of it, and the nature of the outputs to help us consider ways in which we can improve thinking. Information is taken in from the environment, and then changed into some form so it can be stored in memory, and then it is later retrieved from remembrance so that the learner can make a response.
It is better if we understand how we learn, and then we will be in a better position to understand how learners learn. In order for learners to develop the critical thinking skills necessary for problem solving, they need to learn how to learn. In other words, they need to become more aware of their own cognitive processes. Thus, the role of the teacher is to help learners understand their own cognitive processes. Learners will then be better able to regulate these processes in order to achieve specific learning goals. Learners also need to monitor their own learning so that they can recognize when certain strategies are ineffective and modify them to suit the needs of the learners.
Understanding the information processing components below will help us better identify how learning occurs.
  • Stimuli- smell, hear, see, taste, touch, (the surroundings)
  • Sensory register - the information is processed temporarily in the short term memory.
  • Short term memory and working memory- majority of the time we process information in short term memory unless it’s something that stands out most; like an accident or something unforgettable. The information can be an instant one or it can be retrieved from the long term memory in order for us to make sense of the world around us. However, the working memory is the present information we use to respond to the stimuli.
  • The long term memory is use to store information for a long time. This information must be encoded. When this happen we say learning take place.
  • Attention/ perception – In our everyday lives there are numerous stimuli which may arouse our senses. These stimuli may take place by the second, hour or day. At times we may forget them because they are not important to us but those that will affect our end result we pay attention to. However If the result is a memorable one we won’t likely to forget it, we would process it and send it to the long term memory. 
  • Encoding – according to Piaget encoding is associating new information to already existing one or rearranging information in order to make sense of it.  Learners of mixed ability would use different brainwashing strategies which may include things like; linking new information to something they already know or reorganize the information to make it meaningful to them.
I was asked in the self activity to examine my on learning strategies by commenting and completing the three tasks given.  My comments are given below.

Task 1: I was able to draw the head of the queen of England on my blank coin, and write the inscriptions that are on the head of the coin, which I recalled from memory.

Task 2: For task 2, I looked at the letters for 10 seconds as suggested but then I can only remember the first 8 letters which is JSISHPHS. My mind went blank on the others.

Task 3: Now I am able to remember more letters which is CEGSEG. I memorize the first set of letters and then concentrate on these six letters. Overall, I learnt JSISHPHSCEGSEG. Nothing else is clear. I have to keep memorizing these letters in order to remember them. I then continued to learn the 5 words within 10 seconds as was suggested, they are FASHION EGG DRESS SHEEP WHICH. It was much easier to remember these words compared to the letters because they were things to which I could relate and recall much quicker and simpler.

Task 4: First I was able to see the information, and then processed all the details asked. After processing the information it was recorded in my short term memory. Even though the information was processed I could not remember all the details especially the activity with the letters. This activity has caused me to look and reflect on my teaching style especially where it deals with students of mixed ability. I definitely will have to use Piaget, Atkinson and Shiffrin theories of information processing to help better my teaching/learning process.